The Library of History

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Page 265 that if the whole Island of Cyprus were by force of Arms subdu'd, the chief ends of the War were obtain'd; and so it happend: For the Athenians laying close Siege to the City, Assaulted and Batter'd it every day. But the Garrison being well furnish'd with Arms and all other necessaries, easily defended themselves from the Walls against all the strength of their Enemies.

In the mean time Artaxerxes the King of Persia, hearing of the defeating of his Armies in Cyprus, call'd together a Council of War, where it was determin'd that it was most for the Public Good to make Peace with the Grecians: Whereupon Expresses were sent to the Generals and Officers of the Persians to make Peace with them upon any Terms. Artabasus and Megabyzus forthwith dispatch'd Embassadors to Athens, to treat of Peace, whose Conditions being accepted by the Athenians, they sent likewise Plenipotentiaries, the chief of whom was Callias the Son of Hipponicus.

And these were the Articles of Peace between the Persians and the Athenians and their Confederats, to wit, that all the Greek Cities in Asia should be free and govern'd by their own Laws. That none of the Persian Commanders with any Force should come within three Days Journey of the Sea. That they should not Sail in any Man of War between Phaselis and Cyane. When these were confirm'd by the King and the Officers of his Army, the Athenians on the other side agreed and engaged not to invade any of the Provinces of Artaxes. Peace thus concluded, the Athenians withdrew their Forces from Cyprus Triumphing in the glory of their Victories, and in the advantages of the Peace. But whilst the Army stay'd in Cyprus, Cymon fell Sick and there Dyed. Afterwards, Philiscus being chief Ruler at Athens, the Romans chusing Titus Romilius Vaticanus and Caius Veturius Cicurinus Consuls, was Celebrated the Eighty Third Olympiad, in which Crison of Himera carried the Victory. At this time the Megarians revolted from the Athenians, and by their Embassadors sent to Sparta, made a League with them; with which Treachery the Athenians inrag'd sent their Forces into their Country, who rob'd and spoil'd every where, and so loaden with Plunder return'd home. The Citizens indeed issued out of the Town for the Defence of the Country, and ingag'd, but were beaten and driven within their Walls.


The Megarians revolt from the Athenians, and are beaten. The Athenians routed at Cheronea by the Beotians. Many Cities revolt. A Peace is Concluded.

AFter these things, when Tymarchides was chief Governor of Athens, Sporius Tarpeius and Aulus Asterius Fontinus being created Roman Consuls, the Lacedemonians made an Irruption into Attica, and wasted and destroy'd the Country far and near; and after they had taken several Forts and Castles return'd into Peloponesus. However Tolmedes the Athenian General took Cheronea; but the Beotians joyning together supriz'd him, upon which a Bloody Battel was Fought at Cheronea, in which Tolmedes was kill'd, though Fighting with great Resolution, and the rest of the Athenians were all kill'd or taken. By this remarkable Slaughter the Athenians were compell'd for the redeeming of the Captives, to restore all the Cities of Beotia under their dominion unto their ancient Liberties. Afterwards, at the time when Calimachus was Archon of Athens and SextusQuintilius Tergeminus Roman Consuls; In Greece many Cities revolted from the Athenians, who were grown very low by reason of the late defeat at Cheronea, especially the Inhabitants of Eubea were plotting and contriving some dangerous Designs. Pericles, therefore being made General, makes for Eubea with a great Army, and assaulted and took the City of the Hestieans, and all the Citizens Captives, and transplanted them, and by this so terrified the rest that

Bibliotheca Historica

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