The Library of History

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Page 266 they all submitted unto the Athenian Government. And a Peace was concluded for Thirty Years, and the Articles were Sign'd and Seal'd by Callias and Chares.


The War between the Agrigentines and Syracusians in Sicily. The War between them of Crotona and the Siberites. Sibaris raz'd. The Building of Thurium. Charondas his good Laws in Thurium. His remarkable Death. The Laws of Zaleucus of Locris.

IN Sicily Wars arose between them of Syracuse and of Agrigentum for these Reasons. After the Syracusians had broken the Power of Ducetius Prince of the Siculi, upon his submission to the People for Mercy, they pardon'd him, but commanded him to lead a private Life at Corinth: But he continued not long there before he broke all his Engagements and Agreements, and pretending that he was commanded by the Oracle to People the pleasant Sea Coast in Sicily, he arriv'd in the Island with a great Number of Men, as Colonies to Plant there. Some of the Siculi join'd him, and amongst them one Archonides, Prince of Erbita: While he was intent upon his Colony, the Agrigentines partly out of envy to the Syracusians, and likewise because they had spar'd Deucetius their common Enemy, without their Consent, make War upon the Syracusians. Upon this the Cities of the Siculi then divided; some joyn'd with the Agrigentines, others with the Syracusians, and great Armies are rais'd on both sides, and the Cities are pressed to the War with great Importunity. At length emcamping one over against the other, at the River Himera, they came to a Battle, and the Syracusians got the day, and kill'd a Thousand of the Agrigentines upon the Place. But presently after the Fight, the Agrigentines sent Embassadors to Syracuse to make Peace, which was agreed unto upon Conditions. Whilst things were thus acting in Sicily the City Thurium was Built in Italy: And this was the occasion;

The Grecians sometime before having Built Sybaris, in a short time the City grew very Rich by reason of the fruitfulness of the Soil. For being Situated between two Rivers, Crathis and Sybaris (from whence it took it's Name) and the Inhabitants having a large and rich Country to Till, they grew Rich on a suddain, and taking in many into the Freedom of the City, flourish'd to such a degree as that they seem'd to exceed all the Inhabitants of Italy. For they were so populous that this one City had in it three hundred thousand Inhabitants. There was at that time in the City one call'd Telys, who had great Influence over the People. This Man by raising Scandals amongst the the Citizens against those who were the Richest, so far at length prevail'd with the Sybarites, that they Banish'd Five Hundred of the most wealthy Citizens, and confiscated their Estates to the public Use.

These Banish'd Men went to Crotona, and there (after the manner of suppliants) fled to the Altars erected in the Forum. Hereupon Telys sent Embassadors to the Crotonians, either to deliver up the banish'd Men, or expect War. A Council was call'd, and put to the question, whether they should deliver up the Suppliants to the Sybarites or ingage in a War with an Enemy more powerful than themselves. The Senate and People made some doubt, and the People first inclin'd to deliver them up rather than endure the War. But afterwards Pythagoras advising them to protect the Suppliants they chang'd their Opinion, and determin'd to Fight in their Defence.

Hereupon the Sybarites took the Field with an Army of three hundred Thousand Men. The Crotonians had but an hundred Thousand, which were commanded by Milo the Wrestler, who at the first Onset put to flight that Wing of the Army which was opposite to him; for he was of invincible Strength, and had Courage answerable to his Strength, and had been six times Victor at the Olympick Games; when he began his Fight he was Crown'd with Olmpick

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books