The Library of History

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Page 28 by the Intrals of the Sacrifices, by their Dreams in the Temples, and Prodigies seen in the Air.

There are some also that write that when Sesoosis was born, Vulcan appear'd to his Father in his Sleep, and told him that the Child then born should be Conqueror of the Universe; and that that was the reason why his Father assembled all of the like Age, and bred them up together with his Son, to make way for him with more ease to rise to that height of Imperial Dignity: And that when he was grown to Mans Estate, fully believing what the God had foretold, he undertook at length this Expedition.

To this purpose he first made it his chief Concern, to gain the love and good will of all the Egyptians, judging it necessary in order to effect what he design'd, so far to ingage his Souldiers, as that they should willingly and readily venture, nay lose their Lives for their Generals, and that those whom he should leave behind him, should not contrive or hatch any Rebellion in his Absence: To this end therefore he oblig'd every one to the utmost of his power, working upon some by Mony, others by giving them Lands, and many by free Pardons, and upon all by fair Words, and affable and courteous Behaviour. He pardon'd those that were condemn'd for High Treason, and freed all that were in Prison for Debt, by paying what they ow'd, of whom there was a vast Multitude in the Goals.

He divided the whole Country into Thirty Six Parts, which the Egyptians call Nomi; over every one of which he appointed a Governor, who should take care of the King's Revenue, and manage all other Affairs relating to their several and respective Provinces. Out of these he chose the strongest and ablest Men, and rais'd an Army answerable to the greatness of his Design, to the number of Six Hundred Thousand Foot, and Twenty Four Thousand Horse, and Seven and Twenty Thousand Chariots of War: And over all the several Regiments and Battalions, he made those that had been brought up with him Commanders, being such as had been us'd to Martial Exercises, and from their Childhood hot and zealous after that which was brave and virtuous, and that were knit together as Brothers in Love and Affection, both to the King and one to another; the number of whom were above Seventeen Hundred.

Upon these Companions of his, he bestow'd large Estates in Lands, in the richest Parts of Egypt, that they might not be in the least want of any thing, reserving only their Attendance upon him in the Wars.

Having therefore rendezvouz'd his Army, he march'd first against the Ethiopians, inhabiting the South, and having conquer'd them, forc'd them to pay him Tribute of Ebony, Gold, and Elephant's Teeth.

Then he sent forth a Navy of Four Hundred Sail into the Red Sea, and was the first Egyptian that built long Ships. By the help of this Fleet, he gain'd all the Islands in this Sea, and subdu'd the bordering Nations as far as to India. But he himself marching forward with his Land-Army, conquer'd all Asia: For he not only invaded those Nations which Alexander the Macedonian afterwards subdu'd, but likewise those which he never set foot upon. For he both pass'd over the River Ganges, and likewise pierc'd through all India to the main Ocean. Then he subdu'd the Scythians as far as to the River Tanais, which divides Europe from Asia; where they say he left some of his Egyptians at the Lake Meotis, and gave Original to the Nations of Colchis; and to prove that they were originally Egyptians, they bring this Argument, that they are circumcis'd after the manner of the Egyptians, which Custom continu'd in this Colony as it did amongst the Jews. In the same manner he brought into his Subjection all the rest of Asia, and most of the Islands of the Cyclades. Thence passing over into Europe, he was in danger of losing his whole Army, through the difficulty of the Passages, and want of Provision. And therefore putting a stop to his Expedition in Thrace, up and down in all his Conquests, he erected Pillars, whereon were inscrib'd in Egyptian Letters, call'd Hieroglifics, these Words—

Sesoosis, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, subdu'd this Country by his Arms.

Among those Nations that were stout and warlike, he carv'd upon those Pillars the Privy Members of a Man: Amongst them that were cowardly and fainthearted, the secret Parts of a Woman; conceiving that the chief and principal

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books