The Library of History

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Page 29 Member of a Man would be a clear Evidence to Posterity of the Courage of every one of them. In some Places he set up his own Statue, carv'd in Stone (arm'd with a Bow and a Lance) above Four Cubits and Four Hands in height, of which stature he himself was.

Having now spent Nine Years in this Expedition, (carrying himself courteously and familiarly towards all his Subjects in the mean time) he ordered the Nations he had conquer'd, to bring their Presents and Tributes every Year into Egypt, every one proportionable to their several Abilities: And he himself with the Captives and the rest of the Spoils (of which there was a vast quantity) return'd into Egypt, far surpassing all the Kings before him in the greatness of his Actions and Atchievements. He adorn'd all the Temples of Egypt with rich Presents, and the Spoils of his Enemies. Then he rewarded his Souldiers that had serv'd him in the War, every one according to their Desert. It's most certain that the Army not only return'd loaded with Riches, and receiv'd the Glory and Honour of their approv'd Valour, but the whole Country of Egypt reapt many Advantages by this Expedition.

Sesoosis having now disbanded his Army, gave leave to his Companions in Arms, and Fellow Victors, to take their ease, and injoy the Fruits of their Conquest. But he himself fir'd with an earnest desire of Glory, and ambitious to leave behind him eternal Monuments of his Memory, made many fair and stately Works, admirable both for their Cost and Contrivance, by which he both advanc'd his own Immortal Praise, and procur'd unspeakable Advantages to the Egyptians, with perfect Peace and Security for the time to come. For beginning first with what concern'd the Gods, he built a Temple in all the Cities of Egypt, to that God whom every particular place most ador'd; and he imploy'd none of the Egyptians in his Works, but finish'd all by the labours of the Captives; and therefore he caus'd an Inscription to be made upon all the Temples thus, None of the Natives were put to labour here. It's reported that some of the Babylonian Captives, because they were not able to bear the fatigue of the Work, rebell'd against the King; and having possess'd themselves of a Fort near the River, they took up Arms against the Egyptians, and wasted the Country thereabouts: but at length having got a Pardon, they chose a Place for their Habitation, and call'd it after the Name of that in their own Country, Babylon. Upon the like occasion they say that Troy situated near the River Nile, was so call'd: For Menelaus, when he return'd from Ilium with many Prisoners, arriv'd in Egypt, where the Trojans deserting the King, seiz'd upon a certain strong place, and took up Arms against the Greeks, till they had gain'd their Liberty, and then built a famous City after the name of their own. But I am not ignorant how Ctesias the Cretian gives a far different account of these Cities, when he says, that some of those who came in former times with Semiramis into Egypt, call'd the Cities which they built, after the Names of those in their own Country. But it's no easie matter to know the certain truth of these things: Yet it's necessary to observe the different Opinions concerning them, that the Judicious Reader may have an occasion to inquire, in order to pick out the real Truth.

Sesoosis moreover rais'd many Mounts and Banks of Earth, to which he remov'd all the Cities that lay low and in the plain, that both Man and Beast might be safe and secure at the time of the Inundation of the River. He cut likewise many deep Dykes from the River, all along as far as from Memphis to the Sea, for the ready and quick conveying of Corn and other Provision and Merchandize by short Cuts thither, both for the support of Trade and Commerce and maintenance of Peace and Plenty all over the Country: And that which was of greatest moment and concern of all, was, that he fortify'd all Parts of the Country against Incursions of Enemies, and made it difficult of access; whereas before the greatest part of Egypt lay open and expos'd either for Chariots or Horsemen to enter. But now by reason of the multitude of Canals drawn all along from the River, the Entrance was very difficult, and the Country not so easily to be invaded. He defended likewise the East side of Egypt against the Irruptions of the Syrians and Arabians, with a Wall drawn from Ielusium through the Deserts, as far as to Heliopolis, for the space of a Thousand and Five Hundred Furlongs. He caus'd likewise a Ship to be made of Cedar, Two Hundred and Fourscore Cubits in length, guilded over with Gold on the outside, and with Silver within; and this he dedicated to the God that was most ador'd by the Thebans. He erected likewise Two

Bibliotheca Historica

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