The Library of History

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Page 737 Service of God. He constituted them likewise to be Judges for the decision of the most weighty Causes, and committed to their Care the keeping and preservation of the Laws. Therefore they say that the Jews never had any King: but that the Care and Authority of Governing the People was always given to him, who excell'd the rest of the Priests in Prudence and Virtue, whom they call the Chief Priest: and him they always took to be the Messenger, and Interpreter to them of the Mind and Commands of GOD. And they say that he in all their Publick Assemblies and other Meetings, declares what he has in Command, and that upon that account the Jews are so observant, that forthwith they prostrate themselves upon the ground, and Adore him as the High Priest, and Interpreter to them of the Oracles of GOD. But in the close of the Laws this is subjoin'd, Moses theMessenger of God thus saith to the Jews. This Law-giver likewise laid down many prudent and excellent Rules and Instructions for Martial Affairs, and inur'd the Youth to endure hardship and difficulties, and to exercise Patience in all Miseries and Distresses. Moreover, he undertook many Wars against the neighbouring Nations, and gain'd many large Territories by force of Arms, and gave them as an Inheritance to his Countrymen, in such manner, as that every one shar'd alike, saving the Priests who had a larger proportion than the rest, that having more, they might continualy attend upon the publick Worship of GOD without distraction. Neither was it lawful for any Man to sell his Inheritance allotted him, lest by the Covetousness of them that buy, others should become poor, and so the Nation should be depopulated. He order'd likewise the Inhabitants to be careful in the Educating of their Children, who are brought up with very little Cost and Charge, and by that means the Jewish Nation was always populous. Lastly, as to their Marriages and Funerals, he appointed them Laws much different from all other People. But under the Empires that have risen up in these latter Ages, especially in the Fourth Monarchy of the Persians, and in the time of the Macedonian Empire, which overturn'd the former: (through mixture with Foreign Nations) many of the Ancient Laws and Customs among the Jews, have been chang'd and grown obsolete.

Henry Valesius HIS FRAGMENTS OUT OF The 6th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th, 34th, 36th, and 37th lost Books OF Diodorus Siculus, By him Published in the Year MDCXXXIV.

Now Translated, and Compar'd with the Greek.

LONDON, Printed by Edw. Jones, for A. and J. Churchill at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row: 1699.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books