The Library of History

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To the READER.

THese Fragments of Diodorus the Sicilian, were first Collected by Constantine the Seventh, one of the Eastern Emperors, the Son of Leo the Sixth. He began to Reign about the Year of our Lord 911. He got together from all parts, Books of all sorts of Learning, in order to make up a compleat Library. Out of the several Authors he Collected such Observations as were most remarkable, and Marshall'd each of them that concern'd one and the same subject, under their several and proper Heads. The Heads or common Places of his Historical Collections were Fifty three in Number; and made up a Hundred and Six Volumns. For every Head, he divided into two Books; in the first of which was contain'd what was said of that particular subject by the most Ancient Authors, or such as writ Universal Histories from the begining of Time: In the second are Collections out of those Authors that writ of the Acts and Affairs past, in the time of the Caesars. That common Place wherein are these Fragments of Diodorus, is one of the Fifty three, and is Titled thus, viz. Of Virtues and Vices. It was brought out of Cyprus to Paris by Nicholas Fabricius, not long before the Fragments were Publish'd by Valesius, as appears in his Epistle dedicated to Fabricius himself, and in that to the Reader. The rest of the Fifty three Heads of this Emperor, are lost, save only one, which is Intituled thus, viz. Of Embassies, divided into two Volumns. The first publish'd by Fulvius Ursinus, where Collections are again made out of Diodorus the Sicilian, and the other by David Hoeschelius. This account of the preservation of these Fragments, and how they came to light, I conceiv'd was needful to satisfie the Reader, to the end he may be assur'd, he is not impos'd upon by any thing in this Kind that is Fictitious and Spurious.

Fragments out of the History of Diodorus the Sicilian, publish'd by Henry Valesius.

The 6th Book.

CAstor and Pollux, who were also call'd Dioscuri, are said to be Eminent above others for Valour, and remarkable in their Assistance in the Expedition with the Argonauts, and afforded considerable help to them that were but otherwise very weak; and to speak all in sum, they gain'd in all places exceeding honour and reputation for their Valour, Justice, Piety and Martial skill and discipline, and were ready in all hazards with them that were most forward, and therefore for the eminency of their Valour, were reputed the Sons of Jupiter, and after their deaths, were honour'd with Divine honours.

Epopeus King of Sicyon, challenging the Gods to a Combat, to that end destroy'd their Temples and Altars.

3 Sicyphus is said for craft and subtilty to excel all others, and by looking into the intrals of Beasts, declar'd future Events.

4 Salmoneus was Proud and Prophane, contemn'd the Gods, and preferr'd his own, above the acts of Jupiter himself, and therefore out of an Engine which sent forth a mighty sound, he us'd to Thunder, and never offer'd any Sacrifices, or observ'd any solemn Festivals to the Gods.

5 Tyro (they say) was Salmeneus his Daughter, who was so call'd from her Beauty and Comeliness of her Person.

6 Admetus for his Justice and Piety, was so approv'd and belov'd of the Gods, that when Apollo fell into the displeasure of Jupiter, he was order'd to be a Servant to Admetus. They say likewise, that Alcestes the Daughter of Pelias, who was the only Daughter that was Innocent, as to the Murther of her Father, for her Piety was Marry'd to Admetus.

7 Melampus was belov'd by Apollo, for his eminent Virtues and Piety.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books