The Library of History

Table 3

A TABLE OF THE Eclogues or Fragments.

Note: The Letter b in the Fragments stands for Book, and the Letter e for Eclogue or Excerpt; Likewise the Letter l stands for Lib. and the Letter s for Section.

The ECLOGUES or FRAGMENTS out of the First Six Books after the Twentieth of Diodorus the Sicilian.

  • ACra Leuca, built in Spain by Amilcar, Hannibal's Father, Book 25. Eclogue 2. Page 720
  • Aemilius, the Consul, wast the Country of the Celte Galls, b. 25. e. 3. ibid.
  • Agathocles, King of Syracuse, his Acts and Death, b. 21. e. 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12. 709
  • Alexander, the Son of Cassander, murder'd by Demetrius, b. 21. e. 7. ibid.
  • Amesalus raz'd by Hiero, b. 22. e. 15. 714
  • Amilcar, his Acts in Sicily against the Romans, b. 23. e. 9. 716
  • —His Death, b. 25. e. 2. 719
  • Antander, the Sicilian Historian, b. 21. e. 12. 710
  • Antigonus his Death, b. 21. e. 1. 709
  • Appius Claudius his Acts in Sicily, b. 23. e. 2. 715
  • Ars; none can please all in any Arts, b. 26. e. 1. 721
  • Asdrubal unsuccessful in Sicily, b. 25. e. 2. 719
  • Barcas, the Carthaginian General, his Acts in Sicily, b. 24. e. 2. 719
  • Brennus, the Gall, his Inroad into Macedonia, the Slaughter of his Army, and his Death, b. 22. e. 13. 713
  • Brutii; they rout Agathocles, b. 21. e. 3. 709
  • —He wasts their Country, e. 8. ibid.
  • Cadmean Victory, what, b. 22. e. 4. 712
  • Calatinus routs the Carthaginians at Sea, b. 24. e. 12. 719
  • Cantharides blinds the Sight, b. 22. e. 2. 712
  • Carthaginians; their War with Pyrrhus in Sicily, b. 22. e. 11, 14. 712, 713
  • —With the Romans, b. 23. 715
  • —Overcome by Appius Claudius, b. 23. e. 4. 715
  • —Their War with their Confederates, b. 25. e. 1. 719
  • Carthalo, his Successes in Sicily against the Romans, b. 24. e. 1. 719
  • Celte, routed in Sicily through their Intemperance, b. 23. e. 12. 717
  • —Slaughter'd in Spain by Amilcar, b. 25. e. 2. 720
  • Cios, the General of the Mamertines, routed by Hiero, kills himself, b. 22. e. 15. 715
  • Covetousness; the Evil of it, b. 21. e. 1. 709
  • Demetrius his Acts, b 21. e 1, 7, 10, 11. 709, 710
  • Decius, his Cru〈…〉 at Rhegium; his Sight lost by a Physician wilfully, by the use of Cantharides, b 22. e 2. 712
  • Enna taken by the Romans, b 23. e 9. 716
  • Eryx in Sicily taken by Pyrrhus, b 22. e 14. 713
  • —Raz'd by the Carthaginians, b 22. e 9. 712
  • Fabius, the Roman Consul, slaughters the Hetruscans, Galls, and Samnites, b 21. e 6. 702
  • Gades, b 25. e 2. 719
  • Galls; their Inroad into Greece, b 22. e 13. 713
  • —Their miserable Return, ibid.
  • Hannibal; his Acts in Sicily, b 22. e 15. 714
  • Hannibal, Son of Amilcar, chosen General in Spain by the Army, b 25. e 5. 720
  • —His taking of Sagunthum, b 25. e 5. ibid.
  • Hanno; his Acts in Sicily, b 23. e 2. 715
  • Hiero; his Acts, b 22. e 15. b 23. e 2, 4, 5, 12. b 24. e 1. b 25. e 4. b 26. e 6. 714, 715, 718, 720, 721
  • Indortes, the General of the Iberians, taken and kill'd by Amilcar, b 25. e 2. 720
  • Istolatius, General of the Celte, taken by Amilcar, b 26. e 2. ibid.
  • Julius the Consul is Shipwreck'd, b 24. e 1. 719
  • Leontines receive Pyrrhus, 713
  • Lilybeurn in Sicily besieg'd by Pyrrhus, b 22. e 14. ibid.
  • —When built, ibid.
  • —Besieg'd by the Romans, b 24. e 1, 3. 718
  • Maenon poisons his Master Agathocles, b 21. e 12. 710
  • —His other Acts, b 21. e 13. 711
  • Mamertines, their Cruelty at Messina, b 21. e 12. ibid.
  • Messina besieg'd by Hiero, and the Carthaginians reliev'd by the Romans, b 22. e 15. 714
  • Numidians Rebelling against the Carthaginians, are destroy'd by Asdrubal, b 25. e 2. 720
  • Orissus, King of the Iberians, routed by Asdrubal, 720
  • Phintias, Prince of Agragentum, overcome of Hicetas, b 22. e 2. 712
  • —His Dream of his End, e 5. ibid.
  • Ptolemeus Ceraunus kill'd of the Galls, e 3. ibid.
  • Pyrrhus his Acts in Sicily, e 10, 11, 14. ibid.
  • Regulus the Proconsul, his Successes in Africa, b 23. e 12. 716
  • Rhodes torn by an Earthquake.
  • Romans, their Slaughters of the Hetruscians, Galls, &c. b 21. e 6. 709
  • —Their ancient Shields, and new, b 23. e 3. 715
  • —Their Acts in Sicily, b 23. e 2. ibid.
  • —Their Shipwrecks, b 23. e 12. 719
  • —Are beaten at Sea by Cathalo, b 24. e 1. 718
  • Sagunthum besieg'd, b 25. e 5. 720
  • —Their Heroick Acts, ibid.
  • —The Women kill both themselves and their Children, ibid.
  • Sicily the bravest of Islands, b 23. e 1. 715
  • Stilpo, Agathocles his General, Shipwreck'd, b 21. e 8. 709
  • Thebes taken by Demetrius, and demolish'd, b 21. e 10. 710
  • Xanthippus the Spartan overcomes Regulus, the Roman General, in Africa, b 23. e 12. 716

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books