The Library of History

Table 2

A TABLE OF The Principal Matters In the Last Ten BOOKS of Diodorus the Sicilian: Containing his MYTHOLOGIES.

  • A Gathocles his Butcheries in Sicily, 687
  • Abderites; almost all cut off by the Treballians, 423
  • —Deliver'd by Chabrias, ibid.
  • Acarnanians; their War with the Ambrociats, 287
  • Achaians; assist Phayllus, 494
  • —Demetrius restores Liberty to their Cities, 494
  • Acimnestus; his unfortunate aspiring to the Government at Enna, 364
  • Agrigentines; their War with the Syracusians, and their Rout, 243
  • Ada; Princess of Caria Restor'd by Alexander the Great, 531
  • Adranum; in Sicily built, 375
  • Aeacides; King of Epirus endeavours to restore his Sister Olympias to the Kingdom of Macedon, 612
  • —But in Vain, 624
  • —Is expell'd his Kingdom, ibid.
  • —Restor'd, and afterwards kill'd in a Battel, 642
  • Aegestines; their War with the Lilybaeans, 259
  • —With the Selinuntians, 297
  • —Burn the Tents of Dionysius, 382
  • —The Cruelties Executed upon them by Agathocles, 686
  • Aegesta; wholly Destroy'd and Raz'd, 687
  • Aegineans; are Subdu'd by the Athenians, 256
  • —Expell'd by the Athenians, 281
  • Aegium; taken and raz'd by Aristodemus, 637
  • Aegppt; their Defection from the Persians, 252
  • —The two Persian Expeditions against them, 254, 255 281, 282
  • —They assist Evagoras against Artaxerxes Mnemon, 410
  • —King Acovis leagues with Gaius against the Perseans, 413 462
  • —King Tachus his War with Artaxerxes, 473
  • —They revolt from Tachus, and Tachus restor'd by Agesilaus, 474
  • —Revolt from Artaxerxes Ocus, 496
  • —Gain'd by Alexander M. 542
  • —Ptolemys Province, 591 648
  • Aequi Conquer'd by the Romans, 289 786
  • Aetna; the City Aetna first call'd Eunesia, 254
  • Aetolians; overcome the Athenians, and Besieg'd Naupactus in vain, 287
  • —Rebell against Alexander the Great, 522
  • —Oppose Alexander's Edict, 577
  • —Their War with Antipater, 584
  • —Their Treachery against the Agrineans, 638
  • Africa; dry and full of Serpents, 674
  • —The Africans rebell against the Carthaginians, 391
  • —Divided into four Sorts, 681
  • Agathocles; his Original, Increase, and Cruelty, 607
  • —Becomes King, 610
  • —His Cruelty at Gela, 655
  • —His Fight with the Carthaginians at Ecnomus unsuccessfull, 655
  • —His Preparations for an Expedition into Africa, 658
  • —Burns his Ships in Africa, Beats the Africans, 660, &c. 739, 740
  • —His further Acts there, 670 752
  • —His treachery against Ophellas, 673 &c. 754
  • —Takes Utica, 680
  • —Flies back into Sicily, 681
  • —His Acts there, 682, 683, &c. 766
  • —Returns into Africa and is worsted by the Africans, 685
  • —A mutiny in his Camp, ibid.
  • —Flies out of Africa, his Sons murder'd, and his Army dispers'd, and all made Slaves, 686, 687
  • —His Cruelty upon the Aegestines, 687
  • —And the Syracusians, idid.
  • —His Sacrilege and Death, 699
  • Agesilaus; General against the Persians, 392
  • —His Praise, 421
  • —His Acts in Egyyt, 474, 475 506
  • —His Death, 475
  • Agis; King of Lacedemon, 277
  • —Accus'd for making Peace wiuh the Argives, 295
  • —His Valour at the Battel of Mantinea, 295
  • —General against Antipater, 547
  • —His Heroical Death, ibid.
  • Agrigentines; overcome by the Syracusians, 243
  • —A famous Pond there, and other Works, 228
  • —Their ancient Grandeur, 340
  • —Besieg'd 341
  • —The Miserable destruction of the City, 343
  • —They afterwards seek to free all the Cities of Sicily, 670, 681 762
  • Agrinium; a City of Acarnania, the Cities put to the Sword by the Aetolians against terms agreed, 638
  • Alcetas; Brother of Perdiccas overcome by Antigonus, 593
  • —Betray'd by the Pisidians; kills himself, 594
  • Alcibiades sent by the Athenians to Argos, against the Lacedemonians, 296
  • —His Praise, 297
  • —Accus'd to be the ••thor cutting off the Nead of Mercury's Statues, 301
  • —Is Condemn'd in his absence, 301
  • —Flies to Sparta, ibid.
  • —Restor'd to favour of the People, 333 368
  • —Banishes himself, 336
  • —Treacherously murder'd by Pharnabazus, 362
  • Alesa; built by Archonides in Sicily, 364
  • Alexander the Son of Amyntas King of Macedon, 433
  • —His Acts against Alexander Phereus, 434
  • —Kill'd by Ptolemy Alorites, 478
  • Alexander M. a short History of him, 521
  • —The Fight at Chaeronea, 516
  • —His besieging and razing of Thebes, 524 527
  • —His design against Persia, his Passage into Asia, and mustering of his Army, 528
  • —The Battel at Granicum, 529 573
  • —His Acts in the lesser Asia, 529, 530 576
  • —His desperate Sickness, 534
  • —The Battel at Issus, 535
  • —Besieges Tyre, 538
  • —Takes Gaza, 541
  • —Gains Egypt, ibid.
  • —Goes to Jupiter Hammon's Temple, 542
  • —The Battel at Arbela, 546
  • —Enters Susa, 551
  • —His kindness to the Greeks maim'd by the Persians, 550
  • Persepolis burnt by him, 552
  • Thalestris Queen of the Amazons, 554
  • —His other Acts in Persia, 555, 556, &c, 605, 606
  • —His Expedition into India, 558
  • —His Acts there, 560, &c. 612, 613
  • —His War with the Oxydracans, 563
  • —His desperate Case and Hazard there, ibid.
  • —Marries Statira, 567
  • —Enters into Babylon, 570
  • —Prodigies before his Death, 572
  • —His Intemperance, Sickness, and Death, ibid.
  • —The Division of his Conquests among his Captains, 574, 591 648
  • —A Description of his Funeral Charriot, 586
  • —The Captains join with Eumenes, and presently fall from him, 617
  • —The magnificent Feast of the Captains and Great Commanders in Persia, 617
  • —The third division of the Provinces, 628
  • —All the Captains join against Antigonus, 633
  • —Great Captains take upon them the Stile of Kings, 654, 680 761
  • Alexander King of Epirus, 510
  • Alexander Son of Alexander the Great, together with his Mother murder'd by Cassander, 654
  • —The Family of Alexander the Great Extinct, 672
  • Alexandria; in Egypt, built by Alexander the Great, 543
  • —Another beyond Caucasus, 568
  • —Another in India, 556
  • Alexander Pheraeus; his War with the Thessalians and Macedonians, 434, 438 494
  • —His Cruelty, 440 a. 466
  • —His other Acts, 442, 475 507
  • —Is murder'd by his Wife, 483
  • Alexander Polysperchon; his Acts, 602, 623, 632, 636, &c. 689, 700, 706 &c.
  • Amazons; the Queen lies with Alexander the Great,
  • Amilcar; the Carthaginian General besieges Himera, 226
  • —His Death, 227
  • Amilcar; the Carthaginian General against Agathocles 654
  • —Is taken attempting to surprize Syracuse in the night, and his Punishment, 669 748
  • Amhictyons; their decrees against the Spartans, 491
  • —Against the Phocians, 505
  • Amphipolis; an Athenian Colony, their Slaughters, 252, 276, 304, 279
  • —Their various Changes, 290
  • Amyntas; King of Macedon, 283
  • —Driven out of his Kingdom, 397
  • —His War with the Olynthians, 416
  • —His Death, 433
  • Andromachus; the builder of Tauromenium in Sicily, 480
  • Antigenes; Colonel of the Argyraspides, 601
  • —Burnt alive by Antigonus, 626
  • Antigonus; his share in the Provinces, 574
  • —Most Active of all Alexanders Captains, 584
  • —Joins with others against Perdiccas, ibid.
  • —His first Expedition against Eumenes, 591
  • —His other Acts, 592, 593, &c.654, 655, 656, 661, 666
  • —His second Expedition against Eumenes, 605, 614, 615 r, 666, 679, 680
  • —His other Expedition against Eumenes, 618
  • —A Battel between him and Eumenes, 620
  • —His last Battel with Eumenes, and his Victory, 626
  • —He robs the Treasuries at Susa, 629
  • —His Quarrel with Seleucus, 633
  • —Besieges Tyre, and takes it, 635
  • —His other Acts, 639, 641, 643, 648 712, 714, 720
  • —His Expedition against the Nabathaeans, 649
  • —Builds Antigonia, 677
  • —His Expedition into Egypt, unsuccessfull, 688
  • —His War with the Rhodians, 690
  • Antipater; Macedonia alotted to him, 574
  • —The Lamian War with the Athenians, 578
  • —Conquers the Athenians, and changes their Government, 581
  • Aorni; the Rocks of Aornus described, 558
  • Apes; the Indian Apes, 610
  • —Worship'd in Africa, 635
  • Apollonides forc'd to abdicate the Government of Agrigentum by Timoleon, 514
  • Apollo; the besieged Tyrians bind Apollo in Golden Chains, 541
  • —Alexander M. releases him, ibid.
  • Apology; Eumenes his story or parable of the Lyon wooing a Virgin, 618
  • Apothegms; of Agesilaus, 448
  • —Of Alcibiades, 277, 544 591
  • —Of Antipater, 612
  • —Of the Athenians to Mardonius, 230
  • —To them that fled from the Battel at Syracuse, 307
  • —Of the Mother of Brasidias, 293
  • —Of Callicratides, 348
  • —Of Charonidas, 270
  • Of Demades, 516
  • —Of Demaratus, 218
  • —Of Diomedon, 360 r, 386
  • —Of Dionysius, 479
  • —His Apothegmatick Letter to the sacrilegious Athenians, 504
  • —Of Dionysius his Friends, in perswading him not to leave the Government, 689
  • —Of Epaminondas, 430, 445, 618 503, 684
  • —Of Gellias, 340
  • —Of the Greeks, 216
  • —Of Heloris, 360
  • —Of Hephestion, 571
  • —Of Hermocrates, 519
  • —Of the Lacedemonian Ambassadors, 288
  • —Of Leonidas, 217 245
  • —Of Megaclis, 689
  • —Of Myronidas, 257
  • —Of Pharnabazus, 425
  • —Of Philoxenus, of Dionysius his Verses, 411
  • —Of Proxenus, 369
  • —Of Ptolemy, 647
  • —Of Socrates, the General of Cyrus, 369
  • —Of Sophilus, 368
  • —Of Thessalion, 497
  • —Of Thrasibulus to the 30 Tyrants, 373
  • Appius Claudius, his Works, 672 r 571
  • Arbela; the Battel at Arbela, by Alexander with Darius, 545, 548 596
  • Arcadians their Sedition, and War with the Exiles and Lacedemonians,
  • —Their other Acts, 434, 436, 443, 524 492, 500, 563
  • —Their other War with the Lacedemonians, and Rout, 410
  • —Their War with the Eleans, 440
  • Archenactidae; Kings of the Cimmerian Bosphorus, 275
  • Archagathus; Son of Agathocles kills Lyciscus in Africa, 670
  • —The Mutiny that arose thereupon, ibid.
  • —Against Agathocles, 684
  • —Archagathus kill'd by the Souldiers with his Brother, 686
  • Archelaus; King of Macedon, 323
  • —His Death, 374
  • Archidamus King; of his Prudence in the Earthquake, and the War, 248
  • —His Acts, 280, 282, 284 311, 313
  • Archidamus Son of Agesilaus his Acts, 488, 508 545
  • Archeus King of Macedonia, 397, 474 550
  • Arginusae, 348
  • —The Sea-Fight at the Islands of Arginusae, between the Athenians and the Spartans, ibid.
  • Argivi; their War with the Mycenians, 249
  • —With the Lacedemonians, 319
  • —The lamentable Sedition at Argos, 296
  • —Another dreadful Sedition at Argos, call'd the Scytalisme, 432
  • —Another War with the Lacedemonians, 493
  • —Another Sedition. 635
  • Argyraspides; their age, and Valour, 625, 626 694
  • —Their treachery towards Eumenes, and their just Punishment, 628, 629 697
  • Aristides; the Athenian General at Platea, against Mardonius, 231
  • —His eminent Justice, 239 r 266
  • Aristophanes; his Verses of Pericles, 274
  • Aristotiles; the Philosopher, one of the Learnedst Grecians, 263
  • Armenia;
  • —The Snowy Mountains, the danger of the Grecians there, 370
  • Arridaeus; made King in the room of Alexander M. is murder'd by Olympias, 612
  • —His royal Burial, 630
  • Arses King of Persia murder'd by Bagoas, together with his Children, 603
  • Artabanus murders Xerxes, 251
  • —Is kill'd, upon his Attempt to murder Artaxerxes, ibid.
  • Artabazus; the Persian General against Datames, 447
  • —Rebels against the Persian King, 462
  • —Is restor'd to the Kings favour by Mentor, 502
  • Artaxerxes succeeds Xerxes, 251
  • —His War with the Egyptians, 253, &c. 281, 282
  • —With the Athenians at Cyprus, 265
  • —His other Acts, 266
  • —His Peace with the Lacedemonians, 273
  • —His Death, 289
  • Artaxerxes II. Mnemon, succeeded Darius the second, 353
  • —His War with the King of Egypt, and the Grecians, 446
  • —War with his Brother Cyrus, 365, 367 368 407, 408
  • —His War with Evagoras, 399, 410 459
  • —His Death, 482
  • Asia; the Description, 575
  • Astrology; Meton's Circle of 19 years, call'd Enneadeceterides, 277
  • Asphaltes; the Lake Asphaltes, 651
  • —The Description of Pitch, and how it's gather'd, 652
  • Atalanta; Vid. Island.
  • Athenians; their City burnt by Xerxes, 223
  • —Their Walls rebuilt by the Policy of Themistocles, 236
  • —Gain the Dominion of the Sea, 239
  • —Aid the Rebels in Egypt, and overcome the Persians, 252, 253 280
  • —Their War with the Corinthians and Egeans, 253, 255 283
  • —Their remarkable Victory at Tanagra, over the Thebans, 257
  • —Their flourishing Condition after the War with Xerxes, 263, 264 292
  • —The Peloponnesian War, 277 &c.
  • —Their Expedition into Sicily, 284, 285 314
  • —Their Fight and Rout in the Battel with the Beotians, 290
  • —Their Expedition into Thrace, against Brasidias, 292
  • Their Cruelty with the Scyonians, ibid.
  • —Their second Expedition into Sicily, 300 227 332
  • —They besiege Syracuse, 302
  • —Their Victory at Sea, 303
  • —Beaten at Sea, 307
  • —Their Ruin in Sicily, 307
  • —And their misery there, 314
  • The Government of 400 in Athens, 315
  • —Are overcome by the Lacedemonians, ibid.
  • —Their Victory against Callicratides, 349
  • —Their unjust Judgment against their Captains, 350
  • —Their Ruin at Egos Potamos, 352
  • —The taking of their City by Lysander, 353
  • —The Thirty Tyrants of Athens, 357
  • —The War with the Tyrants, 373
  • —Their Ejection, ibid
  • —Ten others set up in their room prove as as bad as they, 374
  • —Athens wall'd again, 393
  • —They stir up the Cities against Sparta, 419 471
  • —The Beotian War, and their Expedition into Beotia, 420
  • —How the league with Sparta is broken after the Peace of Antilcida, ibid.
  • —A new War with Sparta. The first Victory (after their loss at Egos-Potamos) against the Spartans at Naxos in a Sea-fight, 422
  • —Their Expedition into Corcyra, and Victory over the Spartans,
  • —They assist the Spartans, their implacable Enemies, against the Thebans by Iphicrates, 435, 437 493
  • —Are routed by Philip, 478
  • —Their Acts in the Social War, 485
  • —Their War with Philip, 503
  • —The Battel at Chaeronea, where they are overcome by Philip, 516
  • —Their War with Antipater, 578 &c.
  • —Their City given up to Antipater, and garison'd by him, 581
  • —Their Democracy restor'd, 602
  • —Antigonus and Demetrius honour'd by them, 677
  • Athenae; a University for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, 311
  • Attica; wasted by Xerxes, 223
  • —By Mardonius, 230
  • —By the Spartans, 280, 284 309, 314
  • Atho; Mount Atho digg'd thro' by Xerxes's Army, 310
  • Augurs; a superstitious Observation of Augurs, the occasion of the Ruin of the Athenians in Sicily, 305
  • —Shew'd to Philomelus, 489
  • —Portending the death of Alexander M. 571
  • Axiotheca; the Wife of Nicocles murders her self and her whole Family, 665
  • Babylon; Alexander M. his first Entry into Babylon, 548
  • —His second and last, where he died, 570
  • Babylonia; the Province of Arcon, 574
  • —Its Scituation, 576
  • —Antipater allotted it to Seleucus, 590
  • Bactria; Conquer'd by Alexander M. The Province of Philip, 574
  • —The Scituation, 576
  • Bagistama; a fruitful Country,
  • Bagoas the Eunuch, colleague with Mentor in Egypt, 499, 500 536
  • —Destroys Ochus and all his Family, 501
  • —How he was punished, 502
  • Belus; his Sepulchre, repair'd by Alexander M. 570
  • Bessus; treacherously murders Darius, and stirs up the Bactrians against Alexander M. 552
  • —Punished by Alexander M. 556
  • Beotians; whence so call'd,
  • —Their War with the Plateans, 280
  • —With the Athenians, 290 321
  • —With the Phoceans, and Lacedemonians, 393, 394, 395 441, 442
  • —The Beotian War against the Lacedemonians to the end, 414 466
  • —Overcome by Philomelus, 491
  • —By Onomarchus, 493
  • —They overcome Phayllus at Orchomenus, Cephissus, and Chaeronea, 504
  • —Overcome by Leosthenes, 578
  • —Join with Antigonus, 642
  • Boeotarchs 431
  • Bomilcar; his Ambition, 661
  • —Invades the Soveraignty over the Carthaginians, 674
  • —His Conflict with the Citizens, 675
  • —His punishment, 676 〈◊〉. 756
  • Bucephalus; Alexander M. his Horse, his properties, 554
  • —Is taken, ibid.
  • —Built a City in India call'd Bucephala, in memory of his Horse, 564
  • Bura and Helice drown'd, two Cities in Greece, 428
  • Buildings; Stately Buildings in Sicily, 514
  • Burial; the remarkable love of a Wife to her Husband at his Funeral, 622
  • Bees make their Honey Combs in the Hipps of Agathocles his Statue, 607
  • Byzantians their Expedition into Bithynia, and Cruelty, 297
  • —The City taken by the Athenians by Treachery, but not without Blows, 331
  • Cadmus; the first King of Thebes, 271
  • Cadmea; the Cittadel of Thebes taken by the Spartans, 416
  • —Recover'd 418
  • Callantineans; their War with Lysimachus, 640
  • Callicrates; his Sea-Fight with the Athenians, 305, 349 385
  • Camillus; overcomes the Volsci, Equi, and the Gauls, 406
  • Campanians; assist Dionysius in Sicily, 330
  • —Are Rooted out of Sicily by Timoleon, 514
  • Cappadocia; the Province of Eumenes, 574
  • —Its Situation, 576
  • Carducians; the hardships of the Grecians through their Countrey, 370
  • —The Mountains there, ibid.
  • Caria; its Situation, 576
  • —The Province of Cassander, 574
  • Carmania; the Province of Tlepolimus, 574
  • —Its Situation, 576
  • Carrhae; Villages in Mesopotamia, 569
  • Carthaginians; their numerous Forces brought into Sicily as Confederats with Xerxes, 225
  • —Their miserable slaughter at Himera, by Gelo, 227
  • —Their Cruelty and Impiety in the Sacking of Selinunt, 327
  • —And after, of Himera, 330
  • —Their War with Dionysius, 376
  • —Are overcome by the Syracusians, 385
  • —Their Navy damag'd by Dionysius, 391
  • —A grievous Plague amongst them, ibid.
  • —The burning of their Fleet, 390
  • —Another Expedition into Sicily, against Dionysius, 398
  • —Another War with him, 414
  • —Plague and Pannick fears, 418
  • —The last War with Dionysius, 439
  • —Another Expedition against Timoleon, 508, 512 550
  • —Overcome by Timoleon, 513
  • —Their Expedition against Agathocles, and their Shipwrack, 654
  • —The manner of the publick Mourning, ibid.
  • —Their Victory at Ecnomon, 656
  • —The Terror amongst the Carthaginians, upon the landing of Agathocles in Africa, 660
  • —Human sacrifices in Africa, 662
  • —Towns taken by Agathocles in Africa, 664
  • —Their miserable Slaughter in Assaulting Syracuse, 668
  • —They overcome Agathocles in Africa, 684
  • —The Tents of the Carthaginians burnt by chance, cause a great terror, ibid.
  • Cassander; his War with Olympias, 622
  • —He builds Cassandra, and repairs Thebes, 630
  • —Uses Rhoxana and her Son very ill, ibid.
  • —His Expedition into Peloponnesus, 630
  • —Confederates against Antigonus, 632
  • —Another Expedition into Peloponnesus, 635
  • —Into Illyrium, and his happy success there, ibid.
  • —Into Cario against Antigonus, and his good success there, 641
  • —His War with the Apolloniats, 648
  • —Wickedly murders the Son of Alexander and his Mother, 654
  • —Assumes the Kingdom, 680
  • —His Expedition against Antigonus, 702
  • Caulonia Besieg'd and raz'd, 401, 403 451
  • Cerberus; how he was pull'd out of Hell by Hercules, 372
  • Chabrias; the Athenian General defends Corinth against the Thebans, 437
  • —Their General in Sicily, 285
  • —His Victory at Sea over Pollides the Spartan 422
  • —His Death, 423
  • Charonaea; Philip gains a great Victory over the Athenians at Charonaea, 516 555
  • Chaldaeans; their Opinion of the Prodigies in the Heavens, 429
  • —The Nature of their Divinations, 570
  • Chares; the Athenian General overcomes the Argives, 440
  • —His Acts in the Social War, 480, 486 521
  • Charonidas; His Laws, 267
  • Cilicia; The Province of Philotas, its Situation, 578
  • Cimon; His Acts in Thrace, Asia, and Victories both by Sea and Land, 246, 247, 248, 264 273, 274, 292
  • —His Death, 265
  • Clearchus the Peloponnesian General; his Acts, 324, 362, 366, 368, 369 401, 406, 408, 409
  • Cleombrotus, King of Sparta, 430
  • —His Acts and Death at the Battel of Leuctra, 432
  • Cleomenes King of Sparta, reign'd 60 years 10 months, 668
  • Cleon; his Cruelty, 285
  • —His Death, 292
  • Cleopatra the Sister of Alexander M. marry'd to Alexander, King of Epirus, 517
  • —Murder'd by Cassander, 673
  • Concubines; how they were us'd to be convey'd to the Persian Kings, 247
  • Conon; the Athenian General in Corcyra, 323
  • —His Sea-Fight with the Spartans, 337, 375, 392, 394 417, 438, 441
  • —He builds the Walls of Athens, and is cast into Prison, 395
  • Corcyrians; their War with the Corinthians, and Victory, 275
  • —A dreadful Sedition amongst them, 322
  • —Their other Acts, 643, 701 787
  • Corinthians; their unhappy War with the Me gareans, 256
  • —With the Corcyreans, 275
  • —Their Sedition, 395
  • —Another Sedition, ibid.
  • —Another Sedition, 424
  • —They help Dion the Syracusian, 513
  • —The Assembly of the Greeks at Corinth about the Persian War, ibid.
  • Cheronea; A great Battel there between the Athenians and the Thebans, 265
  • Craterus Alexander M. his special Friend, 570
  • —Assists Antipater at Lamia, 581
  • —Against the Etolians, 585
  • —His Expedition against Eumenes, 578
  • —His Death, 587
  • —His Burial, 634
  • Crotoniats; they destroy the Sybarites, 266
  • —Their War against Dionysius, 397
  • Crucifixion; Daimenes crucifi'd by Dionysius, 382
  • Cruelty; prevented by a prudent Speech, 286
  • —Of the Spartans upon the Plataeans, ibid.
  • —Of the Carthaginians in the Sacking of Selinunt, 327
  • —Of the Persians towards the Grecians, 550
  • —Of Antigonus upon the dead Body of Alcetas,
  • —Of Olympias upon Arrhidaeus and Eurydices, 612
  • Ctesias the Historian; Where he ends his History, 379
  • Cyprus; the War with Evagoras by the Persians, 399
  • —The War between Demetrius and Ptolemy for this Island, 675
  • —Recover'd by Demetrius, 680
  • Cyreneans; a lamentable Sedition at Cyrene, 374
  • —Their War with Thimbro, 582
  • —Are reduc'd by Ptolemy's General, 644
  • —March to assist Agathocles, 673
  • Cyrus the Elder; his courteous Behaviour, 308
  • Cyrus the Younger; his War against his Brother Artaxerxes, 362, 365, 366, 405, 406
  • —His Battel with the Persians, and Death, 368
  • —The Valour of his Captains after his Death, 361
  • Darius; his Warlike Preparations against the Grecians, 215
  • Darius the Son of Xerxes, murder'd by his Brother, 251
  • Darius King of Persia, 291
  • Darius; the last made King by Bagoas, 522 r 564, 565
  • —His Preparations against Alexander M. ibid.
  • —The Battel at Granicum, 530
  • —His first Expedition against Alexander M. 534
  • —His second Expedition, 544
  • —The Fight at Arbela, 545
  • —Kill'd by Bissus, 552
  • —Alexander M. marries his Daughter, 568
  • Decalia; The Decalian War, 303
  • Delphos; How the Oracle was first discover'd, 488
  • —Why an old Woman was Priestess, ibid.
  • —The vast Sum robb'd out of the Temple, 402
  • —The Robbers punish'd by the Gods, 505
  • Demetrius Governor of Syria, by his Father Antigonus, 636
  • —His Expedition against Ptolemy, 644
  • —His War with Ptolemy and Seleucus; Fight, and Flight, 646
  • —His Beauty, 644
  • —His Expedition against the Nabathaeans, 652
  • —Into Babylonia, 644
  • —Honour'd at Athens, 646
  • —His Expedition against Cyprus. 677
  • —His great Engines in Cyprus, 677
  • —His Preparations to fight Ptolemy, 678
  • —His Victory, 679
  • —The great Damage of his Fleet at Gaza, 640
  • —His War with the Rhodians, 690, 691 775
  • —A Description of his Engine Helepolis, 694
  • —His War with Cassander, 699
  • —His Acts in Asia, 704
  • Demosthenes the Athenian General; his Acts, 287, 290, 291 321, 322
  • —General in Sicily, 304
  • —Is taken, 308
  • —Put to Death, 314
  • Demosthenes the Orator, 503, 515. 554
  • —Stirs up the Athenians against Philip, ibid.
  • —His Banishment, 579
  • Deucetius; the Sicilian General, 254
  • —Builds Menaeus.
  • —His War with the Agragentines and Syracusians, 353
  • —Builds Callatina, 274
  • Dimnus; a Plotter to kill Alexander M. Kill'd by the King's own hand, 554
  • Diocles. Vid. Laws.
  • Diodorus the Sicilian; his History: How many it comprehended from the Ruine of Troy to Agathocles, 607
  • —And to the Death of Antigonus, 657
  • Diomedon the Athenian General; his Speech when he was most unjustly led to Execution, 305
  • Dion; his Preparations for War with Dionysius, 479, 480, 481 513, 515
  • —His Fight with Dionysius, 482
  • —His Honours at Syracuse, 485 521
  • Dionysius, the Tyrant of Sicily; his Rise, 344, 345, 346 381, 382
  • —Declares himself Monarch, 347
  • —His Horsemen rebel, spoil the Palace, and abuse his Wife, 355
  • —Oppos'd by the Syracusians, 359
  • —Disswaded from Abdicating the Government, 360
  • —Restor'd to his Government in Syracuse, 361,
  • —Walls Epipole with wonderful Dispatch, 365, 366 405
  • —His Prepartions for the War against the Carthaginians, 376, 378 420
  • —Theodorus his Speech against Dionysius, in his presence before the Syracusian Assembly, 386
  • —His attempt upon Rhegium, 397, 400 448
  • —A new War with the Carthaginians, 399
  • —His Poems exploded at the Olympick Games, 404
  • —His Cruelty to the Rhegians, 405
  • —He sells Plato, 411
  • —His other Acts, 413, 414, 415, 437 465, 466, 493
  • —Dies of a Surfeit, 439, 440 496
  • —His Letter to the sacrilegious Athenians, 504
  • Dionysius; the younger his War with Dion, 481, 532 576
  • —Is Conquer'd, ibid.
  • —Reigns again in Syracuse, 509
  • —Abdicates the Government, and lives a private life, ibid.
  • Dioxippus the Athenian; his famous Victory in a Duel, over Charogus the Macedonian, his sad Misfortune and miserable Death, 566
  • Drangina; Conquer'd by Alexander M. 554
  • —The Province of Stasanor, 574
  • Duel; between Coragus the Macedonian, and Dioxippus the Athenian, 566, 568 618
  • —Of Darius with Cadusius,
  • Erygius's Combat with Sartibarzenes, 556
  • —Eumenes with Neoptolemus, 587
  • Earthquakes at Sparta, 244
  • —At Rhages, 627
  • —God the Cause of Earthquakes, 418
  • Eleans; their Commigration, 243
  • —Their War with the Lacedemonians, 365
  • —With the Arcadians, and Pisatae, 440
  • —Join with the Athenians in the Lamian War, 578
  • —Elis Conquer'd by Telephorus, 648
  • Epaminondas; his Praise, 424
  • —The Theban General, 430
  • —His Valour in the Battel at Leuctra, 435
  • —Rebuilds Messina, 435
  • —Besieges Corinth, 436
  • —Preserves the Army, 437
  • —His Acts in Peloponnesus,
  • —His other Acts, 441, 443, 362 500, 401
  • —His Valour at Mantinea, and Deaths wound, 445
  • —Was a Pythagorean, and Fellow-Schollar with Philip King of Macedon, 477
  • —Regardless of Auguries, 430 485
  • —His Sayings at the time he lay a dying, 445
  • Ephori; the Great Court at Sparta that overruled the Kings, 639
  • Epidamnus; The sedition there, 275
  • Evagoras endeavors to recover all Cyprus, 399
  • —His War with Artaxerxes, 411
  • —Kill'd by Nieucoles, 428
  • Euboea; Subdu'd by Xerxes, 222
  • —The intestine War, 480
  • Eumelus; King of Bosphoros, his War with his Brother for the Kingdom, 665
  • —Overcomes his Brother Prytanis, 667
  • —Kill'd by his Horses running away with his Chariot, 667
  • Eumenes; Governor of Cappadocia, 581
  • —His Expedition against Antipater, 587
  • —His Battel with Craterus and Neoptolemus, and Victory, 587
  • —Is overcome by Antigonus, and besieg'd, 591
  • —His Exercise of his Horses in the Siege, 589
  • —His various Fortunes, 596
  • —His other Acts, 598, &c. 659
  • —His danger at Euphrates, 604
  • —His Expedition against Seleucus, 612
  • —His danger at Tigris, ibid.
  • —His other Acts, 613, 614, 616, 617, &c. 680, 682, 683, &c.
  • —His last Battel with Antigonus, 625
  • —Deliver'd up to Antigonus and put so death 626
  • Euripides; His death, 351
  • Eurydice; The Wife of Archidaeus, 590
  • —Hangs herself, 612
  • Eloquence. See Gorgias.
  • Fabii; Three Hundred of the Family kill'd together in one Battel 243
  • Famine; At Athens in a Siege, 353
  • —At Rhegium, 320
  • —At Pydna, where Olympias was besieg'd 629
  • Feast; By Alexander M. before his Persian Expedition, 527
  • Fountain; at the Temple of Jupiter Hammon of a Wonderful Nature, 543
  • Fortune; hates the Proud and Cruel, 308
  • —The wonderful Turns in Eumenes, 56
  • —In Agathocles, 662, 670, 678 749, 759
  • —In the Carthaginians, 662, 668 746
  • —Of a Gardner makes a King, 541
  • Funeral; the sumptuous Funeral of Hephestion 571
  • —Far more pompous of Alexander M. 586
  • —Burnt with their dead Husbands in India, 562
  • —A Contest between two Wives which should be burnt with the dead Husband, 622
  • Gauls; Take Rome, 406
  • —Are almost all cut of by Camillus, 407
  • Geloans; they leave the City Gela and go to Syracuse, 264
  • —Then to the Leontines, 358
  • Gela besieg'd by the Syracusians, 609
  • —The Cruelty of Agathocles at Gela, 655
  • Gellias the Agragentine; his Wealth, Hospitality, Beauty, &c. 340
  • —His Wine-Cellar, 341
  • —His Death, 343
  • Gelo; overcomes the Carthaginians at Himera, 227
  • —His Praise, ibid.
  • —His Victory, and the Death of Leonidas, fall out both on the same day 227
  • —Inriches Sicily with the Spoils of his Enemies, ibid.
  • —His Death, Burial, &c. 235, 249 276
  • God; God defends the Greeks against Xerxes, 222
  • —His Anger the Cause of all publick Calamities, as Earthquakes, &c. 428
  • —His Revenge of Sacrilege, 505, 506, 508 543, 545
  • —Remarks of Divine Providence, 508, 514, 553, 769
  • Gorgias; the Leontine his Eloquence and invented Rhetorick, 284
  • Grecians; their Assembly and Decree at the Isthmus against the Persians, 216
  • —Their Valour at Thermopyle, 219
  • —The Sea-Fight and Victory at Artemesia over the Persians, 222
  • —At Salamis; 223
  • —Their Expedition against Mardonis and their Fight with him 231
  • —The Grecian Auxiliaries against Artaxerxes for Cyrus his Brother are Victors, 368
  • —The Grecian Captains that were prisoners all put to Death, 369
  • —Their troublesome passage out of Persia back into their own Country, 370, 371, 471 412, 413
  • —The Grecian Cities confederate against the Lacedemonians in the Theban War, 419
  • —The Grecians advis'd to Peace amongst themselves by Artaxerxes, 438
  • —Peace after the Battel at Mantinea, 446
  • —Their War at Lamia with Antipater, 496
  • Gylippus; his severe Speech against the Athenian Prisoners in Sicily. See Speech.
  • Gold; the Sacred Hunger of Gold, 492
  • —Rich Mines at Philippi, 480
  • Gulf; a deep Gulf cover'd with Sand in Egypt, 498
  • Halicarnassus; Taken by Alexander M. 531, 532 576
  • Hammon; the Temple of Hammon, 542, 543 589
  • Hannibal; the Carthaginian General against the Syracusians, 319
  • —Razes Selinunt, 327
  • —Dies of the Plague, 341
  • Harpalas; his Luxury and Rapes, 569
  • Helepolis; an Engine of Battery us'd by Demetrius describ'd, 677, 694 779
  • Helice and Bura; two Cities drown'd, 428
  • Hephestion dies at Ecbatana: His Funeral, 623
  • Hercules; the ancient Hercules: His Acts, 557, 564 613
  • Hermocrates; his Acts in Sicily, 330
  • —Is slain, ibid.
  • Hicetas, Prince of Syracuse, ejected by Dionysius Junior, 508
  • —Overcomes Dionysius, is routed by Timoleon, 509, 511 548
  • Hiero, King of Syracuse, 235
  • —His Acts, 240, 241, 243 268, 269
  • —Builds Catana, 240
  • Hilotes; their War with Sparta, 248, 290 320
  • Himera; raz'd to the Ground by Hannibal, 328
  • Historians; who are to be Blam'd, and who Excusable, 244
  • —Who end with the Battel at Mantinea, 446
  • —Unpleasant when broken off with many Speeches, 657
  • —The Profit of History, 583
  • Honey in Colchis; makes Men mad, 371
  • Horses; how exercis'd by Eumenes when he besieg'd in a strait Place. See Exercise.
  • Japygians; Overcome the Tarentines, 241
  • Jason the Pherean; his Acts, 420, 432, 433 487, 488
  • Ida; the Mountain Ida describ'd, 524
  • —The Wonders there, ibid.
  • Illyrians; Overcome the Macedonians, 478
  • —Conquer'd by Philip, 479, 486 522
  • Imilco; the Carthaginian General in Sicily: his Acts, 380, 382, 383 426, 427
  • —His Sacrileges, 385
  • —Looses his Fleet, Army, &c. 391
  • —His extream Misery in his own Country, ibid.
  • —Dies for want, ibid.
  • Isaurians; burn themselves in Pisidia, 584. 640
  • India; the Description, 576
  • —By a Law among the Indians, the Wives burn themselves with their dead Husbands, 622
  • Inundations; fearful Inundations in Peloponnesus, 428
  • —And in other Parts of Greece, 286
  • —At Rhodes, 627
  • Iphicrates; the Athenian General in Egypt, 425
  • —His Acts in Egypt, 426
  • —His other Acts, 397, 435, 486 490, 521
  • —His Praise, 516
  • Issus; the Battel at Issus by Alexander M. with the Persians, 535
  • Judges in Persia are flea'd alive, 411, 412 463
  • Lacedemon; the Earthquakes at Sparta, 244
  • —Take Athens, 353
  • —Their Quarrels with the Eleans, 365
  • —Assist Cyrus against his Brother, ib. 367 407
  • —Lose their Dominion at Sea, 394,
  • —Overcome by the Athenians in a Sea-fight at Naxus, 422
  • —Their War with the Argives, 493
  • Lamia; the Story of Lamia, 674
  • Lamia; the Beginning and Cause of the Lamian War, 490, 576 631
  • Laws; Laws of Charondas 267
  • —Of Zeleucus, 269
  • —Of Diocles the Syracusian, and his Tragical End, 314
  • —Of the Twelve Tables of Rome, 271, 272 301
  • —Confirm'd by the Death of the Legislator, 270, 314 347
  • Leonides; the Spartan General at Thermopyle, 217
  • —His Heroick Death there, 220
  • Leosthines; the Athenian General in the Lamian War, 569
  • —Overcomes Antipater, 579
  • —His Death, and Praise, ibid.
  • Lesbians; subdu'd by the Athenians, 286
  • Libanus; a Description of Mount Libanus, 367
  • Long Life of Democritus, 362
  • Lucanians; their War with the Thurians, and remarkable Victory, 400
  • —With Dionysius the younger, 479
  • —With the Tarentines, 701
  • Lycaonia; the Situation, 576
  • Lydia; the Province of Meleager, 574
  • —The Situation, 576
  • Lysander; the Spartan General against the Athenians, 333
  • —His Victory over the Athenians at Aegos Potamos, 352
  • —His Death, 393
  • Lysimachus; one of Alexander M. his Commanders.
  • —Thrace his Province, 574
  • —Relieves the Rhodians with Provision,
  • —Assists Cassander, 702
  • —Stoops to Antigonus, ibid.
  • Lysimachia built, 667
  • Macedonians; the Parricides amongst the Macedonian Kings, 477
  • —Rout the Greeks at Charonea, 516
  • Mago the Carthaginian General, fights with Dionysius, and is kill'd, 414
  • Mantineans; overcome by the Lacedemonians, 295
  • —The City Mantinea besieg'd, and taken by the Spartans, 411, 413 464
  • —The Battel with the Tageans describ'd, 445 503
  • —Their War with the Megalopolites, 449
  • Marathon; the Slaughter of the Persians there,
  • Marmarensians; being besieg'd, burn their Houses, Parents, and Friends, 532
  • Megalopolis built, 439
  • —Their War with the Mantineans, 449
  • —With the Spartans, 495
  • Megara; the Acts of the Megareans, 231, 256, 265 283, 293
  • —Their Sedition,
  • Mentor the Rhodian, betrays the Sidonians, 496
  • —His other Acts, 500, &c. &c.
  • Mesopotamia; the Province of Arcesilas, 574
  • —The Situation, 576
  • Messenians; their War with the Spartans, 248
  • —Are routed out of Greece by the Spartans, 374
  • —Their Increase in Sicily, 392
  • —The City Messina in Sicily sack'd by the Carthaginians, 382, 383, 427
  • —Repair'd by Dionysius, 392
  • —They assist Dion, 481
  • —The City gain'd by Agathocles, 652
  • —Messina in Peloponnesus rebuilt by Epaminondas, 435
  • Meteors; an Astrological account of them, 429
  • Methon; a City in Thrace Sack'd by Philip, 493
  • Meton; the Circle of 19 years call'd Enneadeceterides, 227
  • Miletum; their War with the Samians, 273
  • —Their bloody Sedition, 352
  • Mitylene; taken by the Athenians, 285, 286 315
  • —Their Goods sold, ibid.
  • —The Port, 340
  • Motya; a City of Sicily,
  • —Taken by Dionysius, 373, 379 422
  • —Recover'd by the Carthaginians, 382
  • Munychia; Raz'd by Demetrius, 676
  • Muses; the Games of the Muses in Macedonia, 527
  • Mycale; a Description of the battel at Mycale, 234
  • Mycenas Raz'd to the ground by the Argives, 249
  • Nabathaeans; Arabians, their Laws and Manners, 650
  • —Their War with Demetrius, 651
  • Naxus; Raz'd by Dionysius, 480
  • Nectanabus; King of Egypt, his War with Artaxerxes, 425
  • Nectanabus; revolts from his Father Tachos King of Egypt, and is overcome by Agesilaus, 448
  • —Rebells against Ochus, 496
  • Neptune; the Causer of all Earthquakes and Innundations, 429
  • —Priests drown'd in the Sea offer'd to him, 305
  • Niceas; the Athenian General his Acts, 485
  • —His Expedition into Peloponnesus, 290
  • —His great misfortunes and lamentable Condition in Sicily 307, 308, 311, 312 341, 344, 345
  • —Is put to death, 314
  • Nicocles; the Cyprian, the Tragical end of him and his whole Family, 665
  • Nicolaus the Syracusian; his brave Speech for the saving the Athenian Captives from being put to death, 200
  • Ocean; the Wonders found in it, 568, 569 619
  • Ochus; King of Persia succceeds Artaxerxes, 448
  • —His Expedition against Egypt, 491
  • —His Acts, 498 534
  • —Is destroyed with his whole Family, 413
  • Olympias; the Mother of Alexander M. 598
  • —Her Return out of Epirus into Macedonia, and Cruelty towards Archidoeus and Eurydice and others, 612
  • —The terrible Famine in the Siege of Pydna, 621
  • —Her Accusation and Death, 629, 630 699
  • Olympus; the Temple of Jupiter Olympus, at Agrigentum, 340
  • —Another at Syracuse 301, 514 553
  • Olynthians; their War with Amyntas King of Macedon, 416
  • —Demand their Land again, 397.
  • —War with the Lacedemonians, 417
  • Ophellas; Subdues the Cyrenians, 583
  • —Joins with Agathocles in Africa, 673
  • —He with his Auxiliaries perfidiously slain by Agathocles, 674
  • —His Cruelty, ibid.
  • Oracle of Dodona, 439
  • —Of Hammon, 543
  • Oracles deliver'd to Alexander M. at Hammon, ibid.
  • —To the Clazomeans and Cumeans, concerning Leuca,
  • —To Dionysius of his death, 440
  • —To Eumelus King of Bosphoros of his death, 667
  • —To the Helicenses, 428
  • —To the Ionians, ibid.
  • —To the Lacedemonians of expiating the murder of Pausanias, 239
  • —To the Messinians in Sicily, 399
  • —To Philip before his death, 517
  • —To Philomelus, 489
  • —To Satyrus King of Bosphorus, of the manner of his death, 667
  • —To Seleucus by the Caldeans, 632, 649 720
  • —To the Spartans of the Victory of the Thebans, 241, 430 485
  • —To the Thebans of the Victory at Leuctra,
  • —Of their ruin, 524
  • —To Timoleon of his success in Sicily from Ceres, 508
  • Orchomenos; Raz'd by the Thebans, 441
  • —The Thebans their old Enemies, ibid.
  • Ostracism; the Law and manner of it at Athens, 244
  • Pallica; a City in Sicily; built by Ducetius, 261
  • —Its Growth and Destruction, ibid
  • —The strange boiling Pots call'd Craters in the Earth there, ibid.
  • Pamphilia; the Province of Antigonus, 574
  • —The Situation, 576
  • Paphlagonia with Cappadocia, 574 628
  • —The Provinces of Eumenes, 581
  • Parmenio; his Acts in Phrygia, 540
  • —Suspected of Treason, and put to death, 554
  • Pausanias; the Lacedemonian General at Platea against Mardonius 231
  • —His Treason against his Countrey, 237238 265
  • —Discover'd how, and punished, ibid.
  • Passes difficult Passes in Thermopyle, 219
  • —In Uxiana 549
  • —In the Rock Aornus, 557
  • Peace; Peace all over the World, 273
  • Pelopidas; the Theban General, 434
  • —Taken by Alexander Prince of Pherea, 438
  • —Deliver'd 440
  • —His Acts and Death, and Praise, 442
  • Peloponnesus; Peloponnesus liable to Earthquakes, 429
  • —The Peloponnesian War, the Causes, Renual &c. 271, 280, 303 308, 325
  • Perdiccas; One of Alexander M. Commanders 547
  • —At Arbela, ibid.
  • —Divides the Conquer'd Provinces, 574
  • —His other Acts, 575, 576, 581, 583 631, 636, 639
  • —The Captains conspire against him, 585
  • —His Expedition into Egypt, 588
  • Pericles; His Acts in Peloponnesus, 259, 260 287
  • —His other Acts, 273, 274 302
  • —His Arrears the publick Cause of the Peloponesian War, 277
  • —His hot Speech, 273
  • —His second Expedition into Peloponnesus, 281
  • —His Death, ibid.
  • Persepolis; Taken and burnt (by the instigation of a Strumpet,) by Alexander M, 550
  • Persia; The Province of Peucestas, 574
  • —The description of a pleasant Tract there, 616
  • Petalisme 259
  • Phalaecus; The General of the Phoceans, 495
  • —His Sacrilegious Covetousness, 503
  • —Punish'd by the Gods, 505
  • Pharnabasus; The Persian General, 316
  • —Helps sometimes the Athenians and sometimes the Lacedemonions, 321, 324, 375 357, 416
  • —General of the War against the Aegyptians, 446
  • Phialensians; Their seditian, 424
  • Philip King of Macedon; The Epitome of his History, 477
  • —His Acts and Wars, 477 to 516 to 556
  • —His Feast and stately Games; and ominous Verses, 518
  • —The Plot against his life, and the Cause ibid.
  • —His Murder. &c, 519
  • Philocles; The Athenian General at Aegos-Potamos, 352
  • —Is put to Death ibid.
  • Philomelus; stirs up the Phoceans, 486
  • —Robs the Temple at Delphos, 491
  • —Casts himself down from the top of a Rock, ibid
  • Phoceans; Their War with the Doreans and Spartans, 256
  • —With the Boetians, 393
  • —With the Thebans, 432
  • —They spoil the Temple at Delphos, 488, 491 526
  • —Their Fight with the Thebans, 503
  • —Are burnt in the Temple, 504
  • Phocio; the Athenian General, 496
  • —The sentence upon him and his punishment, 602
  • Phoenicia; the Situation, 576
  • Phrygia the Less, the Situation, ibid.
  • —The Greater, ibid.
  • Pindar; When he flourish'd, 200
  • Pisidia; The scituation, 576
  • Plague; Grievous amongst the Carthaginians, 418
  • —The first Plague at Athens, 281
  • —The second, 286
  • —And the Causes, ibid
  • —In the Camp of Hanniball in Sicily, for his Impiety, 341
  • —In the Camp of Imilco, and the Cause, 389
  • —In Africa, 358
  • Plateans; the Battel at Platea with the Persians, 231
  • —Are besieg'd by the Spartans, all put to Death and the City raz'd, 282, 286 315
  • —Their other misfortunes, 427
  • Plato; Sold by Dionysius, 411
  • —The most learn'd of the Greeks, 263
  • Porus; His War with Alexander M. 561
  • —His Valour and Stature, 562
  • Princes strengthen themselves more with Gentleness than Arms, 309
  • —Their Vices most notorious, 57
  • Prodigies; to Alexander M. before his Death, 572
  • —To the Athenians before irreparable slaughter in Sicily, 305
  • —To Epaminondas before his Victory at Leuctra, 428, 430, 484
  • —To Hannibal after the violation of the Sepulchres in Sicily, 341 r, 377
  • —To Pelopidas before his Death, 442
  • —To the Spartans before their slaughter at Leuctra, 428, 430 484
  • —To the Thebans before the Sacking of their City, 604
  • —To Timoleon before his Expedition into Sicily, 508
  • —Before his Fight with the Carthaginians, 513
  • Ptolemy Alorites, King of Macedonia, kills his Brother, and was kill'd by his Brother, 440, 477 r, 497, 550
  • Ptolomaeus Lagus was cur'd by a divine Power, 567
  • —Governour of Egypt, 574
  • —His stately preparations for the buying of Alexander M. 587
  • —Confirm'd in the Government of Egypt, 590
  • —Subdues Phoenicia, 592
  • —Opposes Antigonus in divers places,
  • —His Expedition into Cyprus, Silicia, and Syria, and his Successes, 98
  • —His Battel and Victory, 646, 647 718
  • —His War with Antigonus, 664
  • —His Sea. Fight with Demetrius at Cyprus, 678
  • —Is worsted, and returns into Egypt, 680
  • —Recovers Coelo-Syria, 704
  • Pylae; the Gates or Entry into Cilicia, 366
  • Pyrrhus; the famous Enemy to the Romans, 623
  • Pythagorean Philosopher; the Master to Epaminondas, and Philip King of Macedon, 478 510
  • —The last of his Sect, when they liv'd, 440
  • Pythia; why the Priestesses were no longer Virgins, 489
  • Quinda; a strong Castle where Alexander M. Treasures were laid up, and carried away by Antigonus, 633
  • Quinquiremes; or five Oars on a Bank, when first us'd, 376, 377 419
  • Race; a Horse over-run by a Man, 362
  • Rhegion; a pleasant and fruitful Country in Africa, 659
  • Religion; Zeleucus his Law concerning it, 270
  • —The Violation of Religion punish'd by publick Calamities, 286, 391, 392, 428 436, 437, 482
  • Rhodes; the miserable Inundation at Rhodes, 627
  • —Their War with Demetrius, 691
  • —Staightly Besieg'd, 692
  • —Their Fight with Demetrius and Victory, 693 778
  • —The repairing of the City, 699
  • Rhoxana Wife of Alexander M. murder'd with her son, by Cassander, 654
  • Romans; the first time they paid Wages to their Soldiers, 364
  • —The first time the People disobey'd the Senate, 404
  • —Their sad Overthrow by the Gauls at Allia, 406
  • —Defend the Capital, 406, 407 456
  • —Their Wars with the Samnites, 611, 640, 641, 642, 652, 675, 710, 711, 713, 726
  • —With the Marsians and Hetrurians, 676
  • Sacrifice; a Butcherly Sacrifice of Captives, punished by God, 684
  • Sacrilege; in divers manners punished by the Gods, 504, 505, 506, 490, 494, 698 542, 543, 526, 529, 784
  • —Causes a War, 443
  • —Check'd by an Earthquake, 503
  • —Cast in the Teeth of the Athenians by a Tyrant, ibid.
  • Salamis; the Sea-Fight at Salamis between the Grecians and Persians, and the remarkable Victory of the Greeks, 224, 225 252
  • Saturn; a Boy offer'd up to him: The Idol at Carthage, 341, 663 740
  • Sciones; besieg'd and taken by Storm, and most cruelly dealt with by the Athenians, 291, 292, 294 323, 325
  • Stytalisme; amongst the Argives what it is, 432
  • Sedition: Of the Arcadians, 433
  • —Of the Argives, ibid.
  • —Of Alexander M. his Soldiers, 568
  • —The most bloody Sedition of the Corcyrians, 322
  • —Of the Corinthians, 424
  • —Of Dionysius his Horsemen, 355
  • —Of Megareans, 425
  • —Phialeans 424
  • —Of the Phliasians, 425
  • —Against Timoleon, 513, 514 553
  • —Of the Syracusians, 253
  • —Of the Zacynthians, 426
  • Seleucus Governour of the Province of Babylon, so made by Antipater, 590
  • —His Acts, 613, 632, 634, 635, 646 701, 703, 705, 717
  • —Recovers Babylon, 649
  • —Wears a Diadem, 680
  • Serpents; the Serpents of India, the Greatest and the most Venomeus, 562
  • —Of Africa, 674
  • Sicilians; their War with Hannibal, 339
  • —With Imilcar, 341
  • —With Imilco, 380
  • —With Hanno, 312
  • —With Amilcar, 654
  • —Assists Dion, 481
  • —Recover their Liberty by the help of Timoleon, 511
  • Sidonians; their Revolt from Ochus, King of Persia, 496 531
  • —Are betray'd by Mentor the Rhodian, 497, &c. &c.
  • —Their miserable Destruction, 498
  • Socrates; His Condemnation, 374
  • Sogdiana; Its Scituation, 576
  • Sophocles; the Athenian General in Sicily, 285
  • —The wonderfull Death of the Poet, 351
  • —His Son likewise a Tragick Poet, 382
  • Soul; the Immortality, 574
  • —The Cure of the Soul more excellent than the body, 268
  • Spartans; the praise of them that were kill'd at Thermopyle,••0
  • —Sparta first bsieg'd by the Thebans, 435
  • Speech; Gyiipus the Lacedemonian his severe Speech against the Athenian Captives in Sicily, 312
  • —Nicolaus his brave Speech to save their lives, 308, &c. &c.
  • Stratagems; of the Aegestines against the Athenians of Agathocles against the Geloans, 609, 655 729
  • —Against the Carthaginians, 656, 659, 660, 661, 664, 671, 683 735, 736, 738, 750, 705
  • —Against Sosistratus, 602
  • —Of Alcibiades in perswading Ducetius to to fortify Sparta, 303
  • —Of Alexander M. in Burning his Fleet, 530 &c.
  • Susa deliver'd up to Alexander M. 548
  • —The Situation, 576
  • Sybrarites; Sybaris razed by the Crotoniats, 266
  • —Repair'd 267
  • —Again erected, 261, 267, 271 295, 300
  • Syracusians; Besig'd by the Athenians, 302
  • —Overcome the Athenians in several Sea-Fights, 305
  • —Their Cruelty upon the Athenian Captives, 314
  • —Their many Wars with the Carthaginians, 319, 320, 339, 341 353, 374, 377
  • —With Dionysius 359
  • —They beat Imilco in a Sea-Fight, 385
  • —How they were freed from the Tyranny of the Dionysiates, 481, 510 547
  • Dion receiv'd, ibid
  • —The City plunder'd by the Dionysians, 485
  • —Deliver'd from slavery by the assistance of the Corinthians under Timoleon, 507, 509, 510 . 546, 547
  • —The City sadly plunder'd by the Soldiers of Agathocles, 609
  • —His cruel punishment of the Citizens, 687
  • —And his butchery of the Fugitives, 693
  • Syria the Province of Laomedon, 574
  • —The Situation, 576
  • —Subdu'd by Ptolemy, 592
  • Tarrentines; Their unfortunate War with the Japygians, 241
  • —They help the Sicilians against Agathocles, 640
  • —Antigonus against Eumenes; 620
  • —Their War with the Lucanians, 701
  • Tauromenum; When built, 480
  • Tegeans; Their War with the Mantineans, 477
  • Teribazus the Persian Governor of Armenia, allows quiet Passage to the Greeks returning out of Persia, 378
  • —Is accus'd by Orontes, and acquitted, 411, 412 463
  • Thais, the Strumpet, perswades Alexander M. to burn Persepolis, 511
  • Thalestris the Amazon Queen, comes to Alexander M. to have Issue by him, 554
  • Thebans; their War with the Athenians, 257, 280, 286, 300 308, 319, 322
  • —Their Cittadel Cadmea seiz'd by the Spartans against the League, 417, 421 474
  • —They refuse to join in the General Peace, 424, 429 483
  • —Their great War with the Lacedemonians, ibid.
  • —The Prodigies that appear'd before the War, ibid.
  • —Their Victory at Leuctra, 407
  • —Their other Acts, 408, 434, 436 489, 492
  • —Their Expedition into Peloponnesus, 437
  • —Another Expedition into Peloponnesus, 440
  • —Some Battels with the Lacedemonians, 495
  • —They raze Phocis, 496
  • —Their Fight with the Phoceans, 503
  • Thebes Garrison'd by Philip, and afterwards driven out, 516, 521 563
  • —Rebell against Alexander M. 524, 525 567
  • —The miserable destruction of their City and Inhabitants by Alexander M, 526, 527 569
  • —The City rebuilt by Cassander, 630
  • —Its various Changes, 631
  • Themistocles the Athenian General, 216
  • —His wise Counsels at Artemesium, and at Salamis, 222, 223 250
  • —His Stratagems, 224, 225 252
  • —His banishment 243
  • —Flies to Xerxes, 244
  • —His last Stratagem whereby he deceiv'd Xerxes, 245
  • —His Death and praise, 245, 246 272
  • Theodorus; His brave Speech to the Syracusians to preserve their Liberties, 386
  • Thermopyle; defended bravely by the Greeks against Xerxes, 217, 219 246
  • Thrace; The Province of Lysimachus, 574
  • —They waste Chersonesus, 375
  • —Treacherous to the Abderites, 423
  • —Their War with Lysimachus, 640
  • Thucydides; where he begins and ends his History, 319, 377 352
  • Tigris; The Course of the River Tigris, 549
  • —Join'd with a Bridge by Antigonus, 614
  • Timoleon; The Corinthian General into Sicily: A short Account of his Acts, 507, &c. 513 &c. 551
  • —Causes Peace and Plenty all over Sicily, 513, 514 553
  • —His Death, and pompous Funeral at Syracuse, 516
  • Tissaphernes the Persian General, fights bravely with Cyrus, 368
  • —Treacherously cuts off the Grecian Commanders, 369
  • —His War with Agesilaus in the Lesser Asia, 392
  • —Overcome by Agesilaus, 393
  • —And afterwards Beheaded, ibid.
  • Trees; Trees distilling of Honey, 553
  • Tribunes; Military Tribunes, when first Created at Rome, 251, 271, 272, 277 300, 301, 306
  • Tripolis; a City in Phoenicia, 496
  • Tunis; taken by Agathocles, 501
  • Tyrants; the Thirty Tyrants at Athens, 357, 358, &c. &c.
  • —Their Cruelties, ibid. 372 ibid. 413
  • —A Tyrant distracts every body, 675
  • —How Tyrants are to be dealt with, 411
  • Tyre; besieg'd by Alexander M. 537, &c. &c.
  • —Made a Peninsula, ibid.
  • —Is taken, 431
  • —An ancient City is had been, but then destroy'd, 537
  • —Afterwards rebuilt, 541
  • Virginia; kill'd by her own Father at Rome, to prevent her being a Slave to a Villain that had sworn, she was his Slave Servant, 271
  • Virtue; we hate when it's present, but desire it earnestly when it's lost, and taken from us, 221, 566 615
  • Utica; the memorable Siege and Defence at Utica in Africa by Agathocles, 680
  • —The Captives of Utica hung at the Engines alive to be shot at by the Townsmen, ibid.
  • Wine-Cellars; the stately Wine-Cellars of Gellias in Agrigentum, 341
  • Xenophon the Historian; where he begins and ends his History, 319, 446 504
  • —Is created General over the Greeks that return'd out of Persia, 374
  • Xerxes; his Expedition, Armies, &c. into Greece, 213, 216, 218 243, 245
  • —The Sea-Fight at Artemisium, 222
  • —The Fight with Leonidas at Thermopylae, 218, 219 246
  • —The Sea-Fight at Salamis, 224, 225 252
  • —His Flight to Ecbatana, 234
  • —Is Assassinated, 258
  • Zacynthus; the Sedition and War at Zacynthus, 416
  • Zaleucus; his Laws at Thurium in Italy, 270

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books