The Library of History

Index 11


  • Chap. 1. PHilip an Hostage at Thebes: makes his Escape; beats the Athenians, after makes Peace with them, subdues the Peons, and routs the Illyrians, and makes Peace with them. 477
  • Chap. 2. The Actions of Dionysius the younger, in Sicily and other parts. Dion's Flight to Corinth, and his Return to Sicily. Andromachus peoples Tauromenum. The Civil Wars in Eubea. The Social War between the Athenians and other Nations. Philip takes Amphipolis and other Cities. His Policies to gain the Olynthians and other Places in Greece. 479
  • Chap. 3. Dion's March, and Entring into Syracuse. Dionysius comes to the Island part of Syracuse. Assaults the Wall erected from Sea to Sea: is beaten by Dion. Alexander of Pherea murdered by his Wife and his two Brothers. Philip relieves the Thessalonians from the two Brothers. 481
  • Chap. 4. The first rise of the Brutii in Italy. Dionysius his Admiral invades the Leontines. A Fight at Sea between Heraclides and Philistus Admirals, one of Dionysius, the other of Dion. A Faction in Syracuse. Dion leaves the Syracusians. Their sad Condition. Reliev'd by Dion. 484
  • Chap. 5. A Continuance of the Social War. Iphicrates and Timotheus join'd Admirals with Chrates by the Athenians. Iphicrates and Timotheus accus'd by Chrates, and fin'd and remov'd. Chrates joins with Pharnabasus and routs the Persians. The end of the Social War. Philip subdues the Confederates. 487
  • Chap. 6. The Beginning of the Sacred War, or Phocian War. Philomelus seizes the Temple at Delphos after he had routed the Locrians. How the Oracle at Delphos was first discover'd, and the beginning of the Tripode. The Athenians and others join with Philomelus. 488
  • Chap. 7. The Battel at Phoedra between Philomelus and the Locrians. The Parties ingag'd in the Phocian War. The Battel between the Beotians and Phocians. Philomelus kill'd Onomarchus made General. His Dream, Successes and Death. 490
  • Chap 8. Phayllus continues the Phocian War, Aryca raz'd. Phayllus dyes of a Consumption. War between the Lacedemonians and Megapolitans. Chaeronea taken by Phalecus. War between the Persians Aegyptians and Phenicians. Salamis in Cyprus besieg'd. The cruelty of Artaxerxes Ochus towards the Sidonians. The Calamity of Sidon. 494
  • Chap. 9. Evagoras beheaded in Cyprus. Artaxerxes marches against Aegypt; and gains all Aegypt by the Policy of Mentor. Lost many of his Men at the Lake Sorbonis. Mentor advanc'd. Mentor's Stratagem to subdue Hemias Prince of Atarne. Zena rais'd by Philip. The King of Aegypt abdicates his Kingdom and flyes to Aethiopia. 499
  • Chap. 10. Philip takes Olynthus and other Cities in the Hellespont. The Athenians jealous of Philip and instigated by Demosthenes. Philip's Policies. The value of the Riches taken out of the Temple at Delphos. Dionysius sent presents to Delphos, and were taken by the Athenians. His Letter to the Athenians. The Temple burnt. The end of the Phocian War. The Punishments decreed by the Amphtyons against the Phocians. The Miseries of the Sacrilegers. Timoleon sent to Syracuse. 502
  • Chap. 11. Timoleons Expedition into Sicily. The Carthaginians Army in Sicily. Dionysius returns to Syracuse, is beaten by Hircelas; Hircelas gains Syracuse. Timoleon's escape from Rhegium. Timoleon routs Hircelas, and gains Syracuse. Philip invades the Illyrians. Dionysius expell'd. Timoleon makes good Laws. Philip invades Thrace. 508
  • Chap. 12. The Acts of Timoleon in Sicily. The Preparations of the Carthaginians against Timoleon. The remarkable Siege of Perinthus by Philip. Pexodorus expells his Brother Adam from the Principality in Cana. Byzantium suddenly besieg'd by Philip. 510
  • Chap. 13. The Athenians aid Byzantium. Philip raises his Siege. The Carthaginians transport Forces into Sicily. The remarkable Victory of Timoleon over the Carthaginians. The Acts of Timoleon in Sicily. The Works of Hiero in Sicily. 512
  • Chap. 14. Elata taken by Philip: great Consternation in Athens for fear of Philip. The Boetians join with the Athenians through the Solicitation of Demosthenes. Python a famous Orator. The Battel at Cheronea between Philip and the Athenians; Lycides the Athenian General put to death. Philip rebuk'd by Demades; made General of Greece. Timoleon dyes. 515
  • Chap. 15. Philip consults the Oracle at Delphos. Philip Marries his Daughter Cleopatra to the King of Epirus. Encourag'd to the Persian War by Neoptolemus his Verses. Philip's Pride. His Murder. The Cause of it, and how it was done, and by whom. 517

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books