The Library of History

Index 10


  • Chap. 1. THE Preface. Artaxerxes Expedition against Evagoras in Cyprus. The Actions there at Sea and Land. The Lacedemonians begin new Quarrels in Greece. As first with Mantinea. Dionysius gives himself to Poetry. Peace concluded with Evagoras by Orontes the Persian General. Terabazus brought to his Trial. Judgment upon corrupt Judges. Terabazus acquitted. 409, 410
  • Chap. 2. Mantinea besieg'd by the Lacedemonians. Dionysius aims to gain the Islands of the Adriatick Sea. The Parii built Pharos. Dionysius his Expedition into Hetruria. Prepares for War against the Carthaginians. The Sicilians routed at Cronion. The Quarrel between the Clazomenians, and them of Cuma about Leuca. The War between Amyntas and the Olynthians. The Lacedemonians seize the Citadel. Cadmea at Thebes. Eudamidas breaks into the Olynthians Country. 414
  • Chap. 3. Polypidas sent General by the Lacedemonians against the Olynthians. A great Plague in Carthage. The Boetian War. Cadmea retaken. A Confederacy of the Cities against the Lacedemonians. Cleombrotus attempts to surprize the Pyreum at Athens. The Athenians seize Actea in Eubaea. Agesilaus enters Boetia. The Sea-fight at Naxus. 418
  • Chap. 4. The Treballians make Incursions into Thrace. Chabrias the Athenian General assassinated. The Thebans rout the Spartans at Orchomena. Artaxerxes seeks to make Peace among the Grecians. Peace concluded. Thebans only disagreed. The Commendation of Epaminondas. Seditions in several Cities of Greece. 423
  • Chap. 5. The Persians send an Army into Aegypt to reduce the Revolters. Iphicrates a skilful Commander. Sedition at Zacynthus. Platea raz'd by the Thebans. The Lacedemonians seize upon the Island Corcyra. The Siege of Corcyra rais'd by the Athenians under Cresides. Evagoras in Cyprus murther'd by an Eunuch. Dreadful Earthquakes and Inundations in Peloponnesus. A great Comet seen in Greece. 425
  • Chap. 6. Artaxerxes sends again to make Peace among the Grecians. All comply'd but the Thebans. The Spartans raise an Army against the Thebans. Epaminondas made the Theban General. The famous Battel of Leuctra. The terrible Seditions and Cruelites in Argos. Jason of Pherae stirs up the Thessalians to gain the Soveraignty of Greece. Polydore Prince of Pherea in Thessaly poyson'd by his Brother Alexander. Plots to depose Alexander. King of Macedonia treated with to that purpose. 429
  • Chap. 7. The Lacedemonians send Politropus into Arcadia: who is slain, and his Party routed by Lycomedes. An Invasion by Epaminondas and Pelopidas into Peloponnesus. Sparta besieg'd. The Antiquity and History of Messena in Greece. Pallane taken by Arcadians. A wall drawn between Cenchrea and Lechcum to hinder the Thebans inroad into Peloponnesus. Epaminondas breaks through into Peloponnesus. Assaults Corinth. 434
  • Chap. 8. Dionysius sends Galls and Spaniards to the assistance of the Lacedemonians. Pelopidas and Ismenias clapt up by Alexander Tyrant of Pherea. The Boetians pursu'd by the Phereans: brought off by Epaminondas then a private Soldier. The Fight between the Arcadians and Lacedemonians. Dionysius falls upon the Carthaginian Territories in Sicily. Dionysius dyes. The cause of his death. The cruelty of Alexander the Pherean at Schotusa. Epaminondas breaks again into Peloponnesus. Coos peopled and Wall'd. The end of the Laconick and Boetick War by the Mediation of the Persian King. 438
  • Chap. 9. New Stirs in Greece. The Battel between the Eleans and Arcadians near Lassion. The Quarrel between the Pisate and them of Elis about the Olympick Games. A Fight at the Time and Place of the Games. The Thebans prepare a Fleet in order to gain the Dominion at Sea. Rhodes, Chios, and Byzantium brought in to the Thebans by Epaminondas. The Thebans make War upon Orchomenon. The Reason Orchomenon raz'd. The Thessalians War with Alexander the Pherean. Pelopidas kill'd. His Praises. 441
  • Chap. 10. The War between the Tegeans and Mantineans, Boetians side with the Tegeans. Epaminondas made General. The Battel at Mantinca, where Epaminondas was kill'd, but the Lacedemonians routed. The Commendation of Epaminondas. 443
  • Chap. 11. A Defection from the Persians in Asia. Tachos King of Aegypt declares War against the Persians. The War between Tachos, and his Son Nectabanus. The death of Artaxerxes Mnemon. Agesilaus routs the Aegyptians that pursu'd him: and restores Tachos to his Kingdom: Stirs again in Greece after the Battel of Mantinea between the Megalopolitans and the neighbouring Towns. Peparethos besieg'd by Alexander of Pherea, He routs Leostenes at Sea. Charietes the Athenian Admiral his Villanies. 473

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books