The Library of History

Index 4


  • Chap. 1. WHat the Grecians say further of Bacchus. The Story of Priapus. Of Hermophroditus. Of the Muses. The Birth of Hercules; and his Twelve Labours injoin'd him by Eurystheus. His wandring Expeditions through Africk, Spain, France, Italy, Sicily; His setting up two Pillars at Gades, and his other Acts by the way. The Story of Orpheus. 127
  • Chap. 2. An Account of Atlas, and his Daughters call'd Atlantides and Hesperides. Amazons routed by Theseus in Attica. The further Acts of Hercules; goes against Laomedon King of Troy, and other Acts. The Story of Meleager Son of King Oeneus. Amalthae's Horn. Hercules his further Acts: His Death by a poison'd Shirt. 141
  • Chap. 3. Of the Argonauts, Medea and the Daughters of Pileus. How the Argonauts gain'd the Golden Fleece. The Pranks of Medea. The Acts of Jason. The Cruelty of Pelias towards Jason's Kindred; How he was kill'd by his Daughters through Medea's Charms. Medea burns the King of Corinth's Palace, and him in it. The miserable End of Jason. Of the Heraclidae, and their return to Peloponnesus. 148
  • Chap. 4. The Acts of Theseus: The Minotaur in Crete: Androgeos, the Son of Minos murder'd by Aegeus. Ariadna, Daughter of Minos, in love with Theseus; Ariadna's Crown. Aegeus, King of Athens kills himself. Theseus his Death. The War of Thebes by the Seven Captains. The Epigoni renew the War. Pedigrees of the Heroes at Troy: Of the Centaurs, and Lapithae. The Pedigrees of Aesculapius, Aeacus, Ajax, Pelops, Tantalus, Oenomeus; Dardanus his Posterity to Priam King of Troy. 159
  • Chap. 5. Of Daedalus and his Works in Crete, Sicily, and elsewhere. His Flight into Sicily; Minos invades Sicily; The manner of his Death there. The Famous Temple of the Curetes or Corybants in Sicily, built by the Posterity of the Cretians that came there with Minos. The Pedigree of Aristaeus; his Acts; his Son Actaeon. Of Eryx: Venus her Temple in Eryx in Sicily; the Fame of it. Of Daphnis the Shepherd; a Description of the Herean Mountains. Of Orion. Of the Straight of Messina. 168

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books