The Library of History

Index 9


  • Chap. 1. A Peace between the Athenians and Lacedemonians. The Athenians disagree about the manner of their Government; The Government by 30; The Cruelty of the 30 Tyrants, and especially towards. Theramenes. Page 358
  • Chap. 2. Dionysius his Project to strengthen himself in the Sovereignty of Sicily. Syracusians revolt; are dispersed. 360
  • Chap. 3. Lacedemonians establish an Oligarchy in every City. Dionysius disarms the Syracusians. Alcibiades kill'd; manner of his Death. Clearchus his Tyranny in Bizantium; the Battel at Porus by him against his Countrymen the Lacedemonians. Lysander's Project to out the Heraclidae of the Sovereign Power. 361
  • Chap. 4. Dionysius his Actions in Sicily. The Oropians subdu'd by the Thebans. The Lacedemonians quarrel with the Elians. Dionysius fortifies the Epipodae. 364
  • Chap. 5. The War between Cyrus and his Brother Artaxerxes King of Persia. Cyrus Routed. The Grecian Forces in Straits: their brave Behaviour: and long and troublesome March out of Persia into Greece. 366
  • Chap. 6. Thrasybulus opposes the 30 Tyrants. The cruelty of Psamnificus King of Aegypt, towards his old friend Tamos that fled to him for succour from the Persians. Darcyllidas sent General against the Persians into Asia. Conon made Admiral of the Persian Fleet. 373
  • Chap. 7. The War between the Rhegians and Dionysius. He prepares to make War upon the Carthaginians. Most of the Cities submit to Dionysius. He returns to the Siege of Motya: Taken. Forces sent from Carthage against Dionysius. A Sea-fight between the Carthaginians and the Sicilians. Syracuse besieg'd. The Speech of Theodorus against Dionysius. A greivous Plague in the Carthaginian Army. A great Destruction of the Carthaginian Fleet in the Harbour of Syracuse. The miserable Condition of Imilco in his own Country. The Troubles of the Carthaginians. 376
  • Chap. 8. Agesilaus made General against the Persians by the Lacedemonians, goes to Ephesus: They send to the King of Egypt for Assistance. The Persians routed at Sipylus by Agesilaus. Tissaphernes his head cut off in a Bath at Larissa. The War between the Phoceans and Boetians. 392
  • Chap. 9. The Confederate War by the Argives and others against the Lacedemonians. The Battel at Aricas The fight at Nemea. Pisander the Lacedemonian Admiral routed in a Sea-fight at Cnidus by the Persian Fleet, commanded by Conon the Athenian. The Corinthian War against the Lacedemonians, and the great Sedition there. 394
  • Chap. 10. The Quarrel between the Rhegians and Dionysius. Mago the Carthaginian settles Affairs in Sicily. Routed at Abacena by Dionysius. Rhegium near surpriz'd by Dionysius. The Acts of Iphicrates at Corinth, Plias, and Sicyon. Amyntas lost his Kingdom of Macedonia, but was restor'd. The Romans take Veii: Dedicate a Golden Cup to Apollo. Their Ambassadors are taken by the Pyrats of the Lipari Islands, but discharg'd by Timastheus. 396
  • Chap. 11. The Acts of Thrasybulus the Athenian General. The Carthaginians under Mago begin a new War in Sicily against Dionysius. A Peace concluded. Rodes falls off from the Athenians. Evagoras becomes King of Salamis in Cyprus, makes War against the Persians. The Acts of Thimbro the Lacedemonian General in Asia. 398
  • Chap. 12. Dionysius his Expedition against Rhegium. The War between the Lucanians and Thurians in Italy. The Thurians cut off by their own Rashness. Leptines generously sav'd those that swam to his ships, tho' he was a Friend to their Enemies. Dionysius his second Expedition into Italy: besieges Caulonia, and routs Heloris. Makes Peace with the Rhegians. Razes Caulonia to the ground, and transplants the Inhabitants to Syracuse. Watches an occasion to be reveng'd on them of Rhegium. Besieges it. He sends rich Chariots to the Olympick Games. His Poetry ridicul'd. 401
  • Chap. 13. The Peace of Antalcidas. The War by the Persians against Evagoras in Cyprus. The miserable Condition of Rhegium. Surrendred. The cruel Usage of Philo the Governor of Rhegium, and of his Son. The Expedition of the Galls against Italy. The Romans routed by the Galls at the river Allia. Rome taken by the Galls. Romans besieg'd in the Capitol. The Volsci revolt from the Romans. The Galls routed by Marcus Furius in their Return. All cut off afterwards in the Plains of Trausium. 404

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books