The Library of History

Index 7


  • Chap. 1. CYmon the Athenian Admiral, his Expedition into Cyprus. Peace concluded between the Persians and Athenians. Cymon dies in Cyprus. 264
  • Chap. 2. Megarians revolt from the Athenians, and are beaten. The Athenians revolted at Cheronea by the Beotians. Many Cities revolt. Peace concluded. 265
  • Chap. 3. The War between the Agrigentines and Syracusians in Sicily. The War between them of Crotona and the Siberites. Sibaris raz'd. The building of Thurium: Charondas his good Laws in Thurium: His remarkable Death. The Laws of Zaleuchus of Locris. 266
  • Chap. 4. Of the Decemviri in Rome chosen to make Laws. War between the Thurians and Tarentines. A sad Story of the Daughter of one Lucius Virginius in Rome, which caus'd a Disturbance and great Sedition. Law of the Twelve Tables. Peace all over the World. 272
  • Chap. 5. War between the Samians and Melesians. A Sedition in Samos, which revolts from the Athenians. War in Sicily by the Syracusians against the Trinacrians 273
  • Chap. 6. Corinthian War against Corcyra. Potidea revolts from the Athenians. Quarrels in Thurium. Meton's Year. Heraclea in Italy built. Potidea besieg'd by Phormio. 275
  • Chap. 7. Of the Peloponnesian War. Potidea revolts; besieg'd by the Athenians, and is surrendred upon Articles. Nicias made the Athenian Admiral. Gorgia, an excellent Orator, sent from Leontine in Sicily to Athens. A Peace concluded, after the War had continu'd ten Years. 278
  • Chap. 8. Continuation of the Peloponnesian War. War by the Romans against the Fidinates, for putting their Ambassadors to death. Quarrels between the Aegistines and the Selinuntines in Sicily. Expedition of the Athenians against Sicily under Nicias, being the 16th Year of the Peloponnesian War. 293

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books