The Library of History

Index 8


  • Chap. 1. THE Athenian Fleet equipp'd out for Sicily. Alcibiades accus'd: Flies: Is condemn'd: Goes to Sparta out of Italy. Syracusians send for Aid to Lacedemon: Gylippus is sent to them. Battel at Syracuse. 300
  • Chap. 2. The Lacedemonians invade Attica. Fight at Sea between the Syracusians and Athenians. Eurimedon and Demosthenes arrive in Sicily. A Plague in the Athenian Camp. Another Fight between the Syracusians and Athenians; the latter routed at Sea: The Athenians ruin'd in Sicily: Nicholaus his long Oration; Gylippus his Answer. Page 303
  • Chap. 3. Diocles instituted Laws for Sicily: Suffer'd by one of his own Laws. Three hundred appointed to Govern in Athens Athenians beaten at Sea by the Lacedemonians at Oropus. Alcibiades recall'd from Banishment. 315
  • Chap. 4. The Government by Four hundred abrogated in Athens: The Victory by the Athenians over the Lacedemonians at Sea, between Sestus and Abydos. The Persian Garrison driven out of Antandris by the help of the Lacedemonians. Twenty two years of the Peloponnesian War ended. Here Thucydides ends his History. 317
  • Chap. 5. Commotions in Sicily. Carthaginians invited thither by the Aegistines. A Sea-Fight at Dardanum between the Athenians and Lacedemonians. A Sedition in Corcyra. The Sea-Fight at Cyzicum; and at Cleros by Land, wherein the Athenians were Victors. 320
  • Chap. 6. The Spartans seek for Peace. The Speech of Endius. The Athenians refuse. 325
  • Chap. 7. Hannibal the Carthaginian invades Sicily. The miserable Destruction of Selinunte. The Ruin likewise of Himera. The Acts of Hermocrates in Sicily. 326
  • Chap. 8. Thrasybulus assaults Ephesus. The Lacedemonians besiege Pylus; and surrendred. Calcedon besieg'd by Theramenes; and afterwards Byzantium, which was betray'd to Alcibiades. 331
  • Chap. 9 Theramenes and Alcibiades return to Athens; are admir'd by the People. Lysander made General by the Lacedemonians. Antiochus, one of the Athenian Generals, beaten at Ephesus in a Sea-Fight. Agis surprizes part of the Walls at Athens, but was beaten off Alcibiades accus'd for assaulting Cuma, a Confederate City. Conon made Admiral in his Place. 333
  • Chap. 10. Hermocrates kill'd at Syracuse, attempting to surprize it. 336
  • Chap. 11. The Acts of Callicrates, the Lacedemonian General. The Fight at Sea in the Harbour at Mitylene, between Conon and Callicratides. 337
  • Chap. 12. Therma built in Sicily by the Carthaginians; They raise Forces to invade Italy: They land in Sicily. The noble Temple in Agrigentum: The ancient Grandeur of that City: The Riches of Gellias, a Citizen there, and some others. Agrigentum besiege'd. The Syracusians under Daphneus rout the Carthaginians near Agrigentum. Imilcar seizes the Syracusian Fleet, and takes all the Provision going to Agrigentum, which was afterwards quit by the Inhabitants: Their miserable Condition. The Phalarian Bull. 339
  • Chap. 13. The Syracusian Officers accus'd. Dionysius made General of the Syracusians: He moves to have the Exiles recall'd: He's invested with the sole Command: At length by several Artifices gains the Sovereignty. 345
  • Chap. 14. The famous Battel of Argineuse at Sea, wherein the Athenians were Victors: The Officers accus'd for not burying the Dead. The Speech of Diomedon. The Death of Sophocles and Euripides. 348
  • Chap. 15. Lysander made sole Admiral of the Lacedemonian Fleet: He takes Caramium. The Ruin of the Athenian Fleet at Aegos Potamos. Athens taken by Lisander. The end of the Peloponnesian War. 352
  • Chap. 16. Agrigentum sack'd by Imilcar the Carthaginian. The Carthaginians besiege Gela. Dionysius goes to the Aid of Gela. The Skirmishes before Gela. Camarina deserted by order of Dionysius. The Soldiers enrag'd at Dionysius: He hastens to Syracuse. Imilcar makes Peace with Dionysius, and returns to Carthage. The end of the first Carthaginian War with Dionysius. 354

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books