The Library of History

Index 6


  • Chap. 1. OF Xerxes his Expedition into Greece; and the Fight at Thermopyle, and Sea-Fight at Salamis. Page 215
  • Chap. 2. How the Carthaginians invaded Sicily, and were routed by Gelon: And the time of Pindar the Poet. 226
  • Chap. 3. The Victory of the Greeks over Mardonius at Platea. 230
  • Chap. 4. Of the Fight with the Persians by the Grecians at Mycale in Ionia. Herodotus ends with this Fight, and taking of Sestos. 233
  • Chap. 5. The Death and Commendation of Gelo of Syracuse, and the Rebuilding of Athens by the Policy of Themistocles. 235
  • Chap. 6. The enlarging of the Haven at Athens by Themistocles. The Treason of Pausanias; And the Justice of Aristides. 237
  • Chap. 7. Hiero, King of Sicily, prepares to besiege Agrigentum; Discovers the Treason of them of Himera to Thero their Prince; Expels the Cataneans and Naxians. 240
  • Chap 8. The Lacedemonians quarrel with the Athenians for the Dominion of the Sea. 241
  • Chap. 9. Hiero breaks the Power of the Hetruscans by Sea. 242
  • Chap 10. The War between the Tarrentines and the Japigians. ibid.
  • Chap. 11. The Death of Thero Prince of Agrigentum, and the Tyranny of his Son Thrasydeus, who abdicated the Government, and kill'd himself. Three hundred of the Family of the Fabii slain at one time. 243
  • Chap. 12. The Malice of the Lacedemonians against Themistocles, and his Banishment: His Praise. 244
  • Chap. 13. Cymon, the Athenian General, gains many Places for the Athenians: Routs the Persians by a Stratagem at Eury medentum. 247
  • Chap. 14. A great Earthquake in Sparta; The War upon them by the Helots and Mycenians. 248
  • Chap. 15. The War between the Argives and the Mycenians. 249
  • Chap. 16. The Death of Hiero. 250
  • Chap. 17. Thrasybulus, King of Syracuse, depos'd by force of Arms for his Tyranny. 250
  • Chap. 18. The Murder of Xerxes by Artabanus. 251
  • Chap. 19. The War between the Athenians and Aegineaus. 252
  • Chap 20. The Egyptians revolt from the Persians. New Troubles in Sicily. ibid.
  • Chap. 21. Persians Expedition into Egypt. Wars in Sicily. 254
  • Chap. 22. The War between the Epidaurians and Athenians. Page 255
  • Chap. 23. The War between the Corinthians and Megareans. 256
  • Chap. 24. The War between the Athenians and Boetians. 257
  • Chap. 25. The Athenians invade the Spartans by Tolmides. 258
  • Chap. 26. The War in Sicily between the Aegestines and the Lilybeans. The Custom of Writing upon an Olive Leaf the Names of such as were to be banish'd in Sicily, call'd Petalism. 259
  • Chap. 27. Pericles makes an Inrode into Peloponnesus: Besieg'd Sicyon. Phaylus in Sicily made Admiral against the Tyrrhenian Pirates: Is corrupted and banish'd. The Original of the Palici: And the Stories of the Temple, and Wonders of the Craters in Sicily. 260
  • Chap. 28. The Contests between Deucetius and the Agrigentines. His strange Submission to the Syracusians, who sent him to Corinth, with Promise to supply him with Necessaries. 262

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books